
Oct 03, 2010 12:55


Before you apply, a few notes:
- Read at least the Game Info, Rules and FAQ pages, as well as the application hints in the form below.
- Check if your character is taken or already reserved by someone else.
- Make sure that your app is formatted and easy to read (and ideally has as few grammar mistakes as possible!). You can either use the form below, or post your app in another journal and provide a link if you're feeling lazy. Apps are screened, so make sure to state the characters name in the header and number your comments accordingly if you run out of space.
- Apps will be processed every few days. Please be patient! However, if you haven't heard back from us in a week, feel free to give us a poke. Apps will remain permanently open until we introduce application cycles.
- We've provided sample Applications so you have an idea of what we're looking for: Sample Application 1 (Miles Edgeworth), Sample Application 2 (Triela)
- UPDATE: The application form has been updated to ask whether or not you'd like your app to remain screened.

☣ Player

Name: Your handle. What do you want us to call you?
Personal LJ: Doesn't have to be your personal journal, can also be a sock, or maybe you don't want to give us one at all. If you've reserved your character, though, this needs to be the same journal you provided in the reserve form.
Age: Doesn't need to be exact if you're feeling old, as long as you're at least 16.
Contact: How can we contact you? AIM, e-mail or LJ private messenges are all acceptable.
Current Characters: Do you already have characters in play here?
Are you fine with your application being unscreened? Applications are screened by default, however if you're fine with us unscreening it, please let us know. Also, if you only want the first part of your application (player info) to remain screened, make sure to post it in a separate comment and tell us so.
[Optional] Where did you hear about PP? For reference.

☣ Character

Character Name: List any aliases your character goes by.
Character Age: How old are they? If there's no exact age given, give us an estimate (mental and physical, for supernatural or immortal beings).
Canon + Format: What series does your character hail from, and what's the format (Manga, Movie, Book, Game...).
Background: Your character's history/background. If you feel like it, you can write it all up (and we prefer it if there's not much info online available); but usually a link to a wiki suffices.
Canon Point: From which point in their canon are you taking them?
Personality: Core of the whole application and the part which we'll pay most attention to. How does your character tick? Which personality traits define them? What are their weaknesses and strengths? What relationships do they have with others? Make this as elaborate as possible.
[Optional] Previous RP History: This is only for characters that come with history and memories from another RP in which they've been played. If this is the case for you, please make this section as elaborate as possible - what happened in their game, what influenced them, how it shaped their character.
Abilities: Very important. We need to know about any supernatural abilities your character might possess, as well as any talents and skills. Keep in mind that abilities of any sort are suppressed when your character arrives, and they have to develop them slowly and gradually. If they have particularly godmodey or destructive powers, please tell us about them too and how you plan to limit them. Be very elaborate and explain their powers in great detail if they're complex. If your character is exceptionally smart or strong, you should also list it here.
Appearance: A few sentences or a link to a picture suffice. Just tell us if your character has any weird looks about them, animal ears, an unusual skin color...however, if your character is turned human for this RP, this section is more important, and we'll have to know who/what you plan to use as visual representation in your icons, PB or otherwise.
Items/Weapons: Maximum three. Weapons and mementos are all fine; however keep in mind that if they bring a weapon, it won't have any supernatural powers, and it will probably have been made harmless (guns lacking ammunition, swords being dull, etc - you can acquire ammunition/sharpen blades in the game). Items don't necessarily have to be items your character was carrying with them when they got 'pulled' into this world - it can be anything they have possessed at some point. If you don't want your character to bring anything, that's fine, too.

☣ Samples

First Person Sample: A post your character would do on project_purity. It can be either text, voice, video or a combination of these. Make sure that your character's voice comes through.

Third Person Sample: A log post sample as it would be found on purity_logs. We don't care too much about the setting - if it's set in canon or the RP - as long as you give us a good idea of the character's internal thoughts and actions here.

If you need inspiration, try any of these prompts:

- Your characters reaction to awaking in the Vault.
- Your character rediscovering fragments of their powers.
- Your character fighting a monster in the wasteland.

Alternatively, we will accept a link to a log post you've done with this character in another RP, provided it's not older than three months, well written and long enough. An action tag or two tiny paragraphs won't cut it here, and the sample must be from a game with a proper application process.

Handy dandy form for your convenience:

☣ Player

Personal LJ:
Current Characters:
Are you fine with your application being unscreened?
[Optional] Where did you hear about PP?

☣ Character

Character Name:
Character Age:
Canon + Format:
Canon Point:
[Optional] Previous RP History:

☣ Samples

First Person Sample:

Third Person Sample:

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