Project Purity features a news and content system that's highly dependent on the players and their characters. While of course there will be regular mod-run events that might spawn elaborate articles, radio shows, ads or other content, we encourage all players to submit their own stuff - be it OOCly or ICly - and have it distributed via Eyewitness Ltd and their Radio Station EHY (Eye Have You) ingame.
The most prominent sort of news you'll encounter will be the Newsticker in the sidebar of the Network Community (
project_purity). This Newsticker runs at the bottom of every characters CLD screen, and features short, poignant news which may link to longer posts on the Network (such as a submitted article, a log in the Log Community, or a particularly revealing post done by a character) and will be updated daily by the mod team.
Here's already where you can start contributing with very little effort: Contribute to the Newsticker! Did your character (or another) post something that might attract the attention of the media? Did something happen in a log that might have been witnessed by many people, and deserves a mention? Or something completely unrelated to any character, but which you think would be funny/awesome to see on the Newsticker, like an ad or something pertaining to the game's setting? Leave us a comment here and help shaping the game! We can't always promise to work in everything that's posted here, but we'll do our best. The newsticker archive can be accessed
The Weather Forecast
The weather forecast for the entire week will always be at the top of the newsticker and will get updated every Sunday night/Monday morning. The temperatures/climate will always be roughly equivalent to those of the real life Boston, and if there are any special events to look out for (like heatwaves, nuclear dust storms, or acid rain), there will be an extra warning on the newsticker. To give you a very rough idea of the weather throughout the week, we're using icons - explanations for them can be found in the table below.
Clear sky, weak sunshine
Clear sky, fierce sunshine
Sunshine, light cloud
Sunshine, medium cloud
Sunshine, heavy cloud
Sunshine, intermittent storms
Rain, risk of thunderstorms
Light rain or drizzle
Heavy rain
Driving rain with heavy wind
Light snow
Heavy snow
Check news for weather warnings
Articles, Interviews, Essays, Stories, Ads ...
Now, for those players and characters who have something specific and more elaborate to tell to the world of Project Purity, there's also the option to submit whole articles or interviews your character has done, either with an NPC or another player character - or maybe they work at Eyewitness Ltd and want their own advice column, or their own radioshow? Maybe they simply want to advertize, or publish an essay or another work of fiction? We encourage that as well, and anything you can think of goes, though be careful - the editors at Eyewitness Ltd might censor/edit parts of your article!
An Article your character submits, for example, might look somewhat like this:
This first line is where you suck your readers in so make sure it stands out, it can stop being bold as soon as it gets boring. Essentially this first line can be a summary of the story, a tagline, or a sensational proposal such as 'When Margaret Wilson, 26, went to fetch in her bottle of milk this morning she didn't expect to come face to face with a ghost' only to continue to explain that said 'ghost' was actually her long lost cat of fifteen years who went out into the wastelands and never came back.
Saving the details for the rest of your article helps to pace it better and also gives your readers a reason to stick around. As for the rest of the details of how to write out your article read on for more details. Suck them in with teasers that you promise to deliver, and sprinkle the facts in, making sure to save the best for last.
If you feel like it, a relevant picture always looks nice, added in a link to an
ATTACHED PHOTOGRAPH or inserted into the newspaper framework.
Remember to give your readers all the details they crave. Pad out your story with as many facts as possible. How old those people involved were, the names of their cats, their specific order from the milkman, the milkman's name. Go wild.
Don't forget that not all quotes you receive will be the truth, and not all journalists write the truth. You can choose to be an honest journalist and still slip up, but there are dishonest types out there too, some that sway a long way to the right or left and some who sensationalise their every word to make the readers bay for blood. Remember that though some readers love a good bloodbath, others may feel differently, and there may be repercussions.
Always finish off strong, with a tagline or a summary, and don't feel afraid to pour on the cliche, or tell people what to think. Tie up all your loose ends. Suffice is to say that Ms. Wilson will be keeping Moggy inside for the forseeable future, and we wish her all the best.
Once in a while, the mods might even ask other players if their character might be up for an interview with an NPC reporter, especially if said character holds an important job/position within the city (or is a known criminal!).
Please submit any ideas/content you have here in this post, and contact the mods if you have any questions. Comments are screened, of course, so nothing will be spoiled until it actually gets posted.
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