Two years ago I was sitting here in the UMass library basement, writing a similar entry, and it was the first time I used the phrase "hungry and apologetic." So far, this fast has been relatively easy but the sun hasn't set yet, so we'll see
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I agree though, I was thinking something along the same lines. BUT, I think the point is that in general, it's good to take a day out of the year where you rethink your life and set goals, so why not have it at the beginning of the year, and the beginning of the year falls around the harvest so it makes sense.
It's kind of like, why not take this day to be repentful. That doesn't mean that God literally said "on this day of the year, you're going to have to repent and I'm taking names."
But yeah, you knew that. I'm just saying that I'm trying to look at religion as a way to shape your mindset/ have some good rules to live by bla bla. I should probably become buddhist really... but reincarnation seems funky.
I heard that reconcstructionist jews are less into the "GOD said this" and more into "as jews, we feel this way." and i really want to check them out now. but theyre supposed to be more similar to reformed than conservative.
soooo, maybe we should start our own jewish sect where stuff makes general sense and you do it because it's good for you but the rituals/songs are the same because they're fun and homey.
You in?
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