Character Information - Viyane

May 24, 2011 01:25

Just something to have on-hand when someone I commission asks for personality, clothing, likes/dislikes, etc. of my character.


Name: Viyane (Pronounced Vee-AY-knee)
Species: Gennec - a hybrid mixture of a Fennec Fox and a Genet
Fur Color: Light pastel pink with celadon spots and forehead marking
Hair Color: Soft celadon green
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135 pounds
Diet: Omnivore with an affinity for sweets
Family: Older half-brother (Melyn), her mother (Nyria) and her father (little is known about him)
Reference Sheet


Likes: Sweets (Asian or treats from the Orient are her favorites), Bubble Tea, Her big brother Melyn, Thunder storms, Soft blankets, Friendly people, Bright colors, Comfy clothes, Shinies, Ribbons and strings, Getting mail, Small fluffy animals, Swing sets, Hair brushes, Bubble baths, Pajamas, Being outside, Flowers (Especially orchids), Soft pillows, Sleeping in late

Dislikes: Being cold, Criticism, Cough syrup, Raw meat, Overly spicy foods, Cranky people, Creepy-crawlies, Winter, Being woken up, Overly flirty people, Most leafy greens, Overly complicated situations or questions, Dishonesty.

Summary: Cheerful and mostly energetic with a strong sense of loyalty to those who are close to her. She's deeply in love with her big brother Melyn, but usually hides it from the rest of the world. She can be gullible, but is far from stupid and sometimes plays along to make it seem as though she doesn't quite understand something when she grasps the concept fully. She has a bit of a short fuse and a temper that can sometimes lead to tantrums. Incredibly childish, she's constantly questioning and exploring anything and everything that's around her.

Hobbies: Cooking, Fishing (Her hook has to be baited for her), Baking, Reading comics and short stories, Writing the occasional poem, "Harassing" Melyn, Playing video games (especially RPGs and Fighting), Listening to music.


Clothing: Although choosing to normally have casual apparel, she can sometimes be seen in a formal dress kimono for special occasions accompanied with small silver bells for accessories. When not out and about for special occasions, she can normally be found in her favorite paw print hoodie and comfy pair of jeans or shorts. Comfort is a must for her. If it's not comfortable, she will NOT wear it.

Accessories: Viyane doesn't particularly care for jewelry as it can be hindering and sometimes cumbersome in some cases. She does, however, like the small silver bells and ribbons that complete her kimono formal wear ensemble. She also has a silky blue scarf that accompanies her blue formal dress outfit. For casual wear, the only thing she is usually seen wearing that would be considered an accessory would be the occasional leg-warmers. Adding accessories to an outfit is negotiable, granted it fits the situation.

Clothing examples:
Formal Attire: 1
Alternate Formal Wear: 1, 2
Casual Wear: 1, 2
Alternate Casual Wear: 1, 2, 3, 4
Sensual Wear: 1
Swimming Attire: 1, 2

Distinctive Characteristics:

-She is a Digitrigrade
-She does NOT have a flavor (other than natural ones), regardless of my personal screen name that has the word "Peppermint" in it.
-Her naughty bits are not readily visible through her fur, but they are a green color similar to her markings and hair color
-She has a feral form: 1, 2

summary, fursona

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