Jul 01, 2003 11:34
I haven't updated in a long while. I've been frustrated with dial-up, and not spending much time online at all. I'm currently averaging about 400-500 words a day on writing. It's not a lot, but it is progress. I'm still trying to get my routines sorted out.
At the bookstore I worked at in Houston, I had a fairly set schedule. Generally, I worked closes Thurs-Mon, and had off Tues,Wed, and Thurs. That's never going to happen at this place, it is too big, with too many other people, so my schedule is going to keep shifting around. I can deal with that, but I'm not used to it and trying to figure out the best way to squeeze writing in. The forty-five minute commute kicks my butt. I had purposefully moved into apartments two minutes away from the other store, but even when I'm ready to move out of my mom's and back on my own I don't think I want to live in the location where this store is.
In the meantime, my part time business of selling DVD's on amazon has been starting to take off. I may be able to make it a full time thing eventually, though I'm not even sure that is what I want.
I've got some great ideas for Infornography, and since I finally finished the chapter that would not end yesterday, it will be fun getting to write about them. Tiffany suggested that it might help me write if I did a partial outline, which is generally what I do when I get into a rut. I've never been one for outlining the whole story before starting, but sometimes an outline of the next quarter of the book or so can really be helpful.
And, since I mentioned Tiffany, I think we're beginning to find a healthy place for our friendship. I doubt we will ever be more than that, but I know I will always want her in my life as a friend. She's a very caring, compassionate person, and she actually gets my weird humor.
I met a girl last week. I may say more about that in another post. I'm not certain what's up or anything, but it was nice to feel attractive again. When your lover doesn't have sex with you for a year, it can really fuck with your self-esteem and confidence.
I've been battling off the depression monkeys since I got here. It's very easy to fall into old patterns when we're down, and I've been exerting most of my energy just forcing myself not to let that happen. I'm not that sad anymore, really, but the part of depression that has always kicked my ass is the lethargy, apathy and inertia. So, I force myself to do little things like clean my room everyday, wash clothes, help my mom with the lawn. On nights I don't work late, we've been walking together for fifteen minutes. Just that little bit of exercise has definitely been very helpful.
I've been reading the Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever books and I REALLY like Thomas as a character, and really really don't like Donaldson's writing style. I know that's sort of the opposite reaction that most people have to the books. I've also enjoyed the LOTR parallels that he buried in the book.
I'm not feeling overtly verbose or eloquent today, so I guess that's it.