Vulgarities from fake stories I've told.

Mar 14, 2006 20:14

"I have to crap so bad my nuts hurt."

((Michelle, don't read this one:))
" the children drag out their recently 3rd degree burned brother and prop him up on stage. They begin seductively chewing off the scabs and swallowing them. The father then sprays battery acid from has ass (because of the enema his wife gave him earlier) and covers his freshly rewounded son and drips out the rest in his grandmother's empty eye-sockets. The father, the grilled child, the rest of the bloody jowled children, and grandmother stand up and take a bow. The talent agent goes 'hmm, that's an interesting act. What do you call it?' The father replies, 'the Aristocrats.'"

"If you're in a pinch, snot works too."

forgive me for this post, I don't know what I'm doing.
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