Jan 17, 2007 22:06
Damn. This is freaky.
I was looking through old, old, old e-mails today, and I found a link to my old LJ, which I'd forgotten about completely. I'd kept it from around January of my junior year up until that summer, where certain events just convinced me to stop using it. As I started reading through all of my entries from way back then, I was amazed (and rather pleased) at how much I grew over the past year and a half. I was constantly caught up in games of 'what if' with local heartthrobs, ranting about how unfair life is, and other variations on teen angst.
The past 2 years have been the most influential years in my short life. I've come out to my friends, my parents, and my community, engaged in many wonderful and not so wonderful encounters with strangers, travelled around the world, lost many friends and gained many new ones, and started to understand the great mystery that is life. Overall, I'm pleased at how I've turned out. Wow - that was corny.
On to today, then:
- I think I've come down with something. It's not fun.
- I actually woke up at around 10 today (the first time I've woken up before noon in 3 weeks, mind you).
- I shared some of my darkest, deepest secrets with people.
- Ate. A Lot.
I can't wait to get back to Mac. I miss everyone there SO MUCH.
EJ <3
PS: All the entries before this one are stupid. If you feel the need to read a whole lot of high school drama, be my guest, however, don't say I didn't warn you.