and so my internship ends

Jul 19, 2008 11:41

 wow to think i thought no internship could trump the one i did at AL LLC, where i made friends with crazy joanne (i mean this as a compliment) and all the girls in the accounts department.

then BAM this internship at ING comes along and just blows my brains into a million pieces

so yesterday was my last day at work, there were many moments in which we all kinda wanted to cry but no one cries at work if they can help it cos thats just stupid so yeah we held it all in. i'll miss the people in my department so much, Irene with the perfect hair, Darren the one whos full of crap, Joan whos so sweet, and my hip boss Donna, not to forget kind Royston who drove me home after the drunken golf tournament dinner (haha), plus Rommel who is one of the nicest people i've met, and Alex who drove his car into the ditch and Leon who looks way too stressed out all the time, and Alex F who sits in the fishtank and emails me throughout work so i'll keep awake, and the auntie in the pantry who stocks up on all my favourite cookies plus tons of other people at work.

AND the other interns from EVERYWHERE. aileen and stefan from phil, nayana from india based in kuwait, peggy from taiwan.... haha funny how i've only known peggy 4 weeks but it feels like i've known her all my life. oh well. my trip to perth got thwarted cos we can't get tickets and my trip to taiwan to hang out with peggy got thwarted cos my mom's opinion > my dad's opinion.

we went to the ZOO (nayana aileen stefan)

WE ATE DURIAN AND MANGOSTEENS!!! at the four seasons durian cafe in joo chiat

this is after we stuffed ourselves at Kim's Eating House with hokkien mee and sambal stingray YUMYUMYUMYUMYUM (best ever)

so sometimes having a car is so useful, since places like joo chiat are only accessible by car/bus and i am so bad at taking the right bus :(


these are both really unflattering photos but anyway,
Peggy and i got bought new shoes and got pedicures DURING WORK and no one even noticed we were gone HEEHEE

i took them to chinatown for DRESSES and SCARVES and FOOD STREET where we gobbled more sambal stingray (YUMYUM)


All this before heading to Central where we guzzled fried mars bars from chippy's,

changed into dresses and ate dinner at HOOTERS (where the girls are, unfortunately, not as hot as we were hoping - peggy would have made a better hooters girl for sure) and then triapsed through clarke quay soaking in the light life

all this plus the amount of shopping the interns did (i felt like a tourist again, i've never been to so many shopping malls in 3 weeks), plus the amount of EATING and laughing and karaoke-ing. :)

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