Oh no, posting an app in my own comm *fail* Because
kaguranne has been the only one awesome enough to post her app so far and I figure the more apps the better, right? *fail again*
Name: Danie (pronounced like "Dani", FYI)
Nicknames: Dan Dan, Panda Bear, Danieweenie
Age: 19
Likes: creative writing, music, anime/manga, yaoi, yuri, candy and cake, inspiration, being creative, gothic lolita and Harajuku fashions, dollfies, catboys, bishounen, virgin daquiris, anything strawberry flavored
Dislikes: selfish people, know-it-alls, eggs, public bathrooms, being stifled, being ignored
Hobbies: writing, singing, being friendly with strangers, painting, cooking, sewing (badly), oekaki
Favorite food: any kind of pasta
Favorite animal: lemurs or crows
Shy or Outgoing?: It depends on the situation, I guess. I'm shy around people I don't know very well, unless my friends or family are present. Around them I'm extemely outgoing.
Hyper or Calm?: I can be calm if needed, but usually I'm hyper.
Three positive words to describe yourself: friendly, creative, caring
Three negative words to describe yourself: overly-passive, obsessive, obnoxious
Briefly describe your personality: I have a tendency to be really, really obnoxious at times, though usually just around my friends. Though I'm generally nice to people, I like to shock people as well. I have an off-color sense of humor, but generally I'm easy to get along with. And I'm WAY too much of a doormat XD I generally just do what other people want. I'm the type of person people always come to for advice, though, for some reason. I guess I'm pretty good at separating myself from the situation and coming up with a solution.
What qualities do you think are important in other people? honesty (even if it's brutal), loyalty, and the ability to stand strong to their own beliefs.
What is most important to you? My little sister, who is also my best friend. And of course my mom and my friends, without whom I would most likely be a total hermit XD
If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Empathetic
Princess Princess
Who is your favorite character? Why? I lean more toward Tooru as my favorite, because he's just such a nice guy! And then Akira, because he's just... Akira! And of course Yuujirou never fails to make me laugh, so he comes in at a close third.
Who is your least favorite character? Why? Meh, I don't really dislike any of them. To be fair, they all have their redeeming qualities.
Favorite pairing: Akira x Mitaka
What’s your take on the Princess system? It's funny! I love transvestites, so the idea makes me giddy. Boys in dresses are hot. *fangirl*
If given the opportunity to be a Princess, would you do it? Why or why not? Sure. I love wearing dresses, and I'm a girl so it's no big deal anyway.
If you could be any character, who would it be? Why? Akira! He has so little drama in his life and it would be awesome to have so much support from people around me.
Do you have anything else you’d like to see added as a question or any suggestions you’d like to share?