...but someone is in the bathroom. I could go down the stairs to the other side of the house, but that would be way too much effort. Instead, I will pass the time explaining how much I hate people.)
A link entitled "Defend my right to treatment for unwanted attractions" caught my attention today as I was perusing the National Association for
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A hierarchy cannot be placed on human rights, though. Some people do have it worse, all around, but living in a privileged country, I should be able to focus on that. I can't possibly do that, though, until I have my rights at home. I do fight for equality oversees...I mean, in the Middle East, they kill gay people. But I cannot expect my lawmakers to stop these things overseas when they don't see a problem with discriminating against me.
There have been so many failed movements to help LGBTI people overseas. It's kind of like the anti-female sex trafficking movement. If women weren't equal (at least on paper...in real life, women aren't treated equally) in the US, we would've never been able to move oversees to help other oppressed women.
Sexual orientation wasn't overlooked in those times. You were just put in a mental institution or ostracized. Homosexuals didn't have enough power to do anything more than fight for their survival.
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