If this police force doesn't shape up, I'm leaving.
I can help people and the city in my own way, I don't need a mucked label to make a difference around here. Being a part of this group is bringing everyone who's actually working down instead of raising their morale and bringing any kind of hope to the people in this city. They're laughing at us. Even our own.
Nobody wants to listen. There's nobody to give orders, not that it seems anyone who wants to join the police force will follow them. Seems like each officer wants to carry out their own kind of justice. Instead of correcting the public, are we supposed to let them believe that massive mistakes like the one just made are bungles of the entire police force?
I take that back. Really they are. Because we can't afford to be choosy about who joins, we don't know who is capable of what. But maybe we should really enforce the rules and punishments we have for our officers, and take more time screening the ones who step forward to join us.
So, will there be results? Will anyone contact me with questions or suggestions? I'd have some in return. Of course I can practice what I preach- I do want to help add some sort of guidance to us. Otherwise, I'm afraid this has been a strenuous waste of time.
There can't be a police force if things like this keep happening. Just a bunch of idiots trying to play god.
[Locked to Chris Redfield]
I've been told that Cecil was starved prior to his murder. Is this true? I don't believe it- I think he may have refused to eat. Naoto would never neglect a prisoner, but I don't know if Tir deprived him of food in the couple of days he took over guarding he and Helter. I would have to question these things now, after what he's done.