Feb 02, 2010 00:01

As with a number of other in game things, Activity Checks will be changing. Tonight's is the same as everyone is used, however - hopefully by next check, new rules will be posted.

If you were on the last check, and you're on this check, your character will be removed without warning on the next check. This is your final warning.

Please officially hiatus or drop your characters if you can't - or are unwilling to - post them within the next week.

Posting your Hiatus in the OOC community does not count, if you're going to hiatus make sure to have an entry in the character journal and/or in the hiatus post or it will not count for the Activity Check.

Make sure all drops are done correctly, commenting to the Taken and Friend Add/Remove pages.

Remember guys, that logging counts as activity. So if you're on the check, and current in a log, just link me to the log - or post a link in your character journal - and you'll be covered.

The following are on the Activity List for the second time, with no update.

If there's no update within two weeks, they'll be removed.

DEXTER DOUGLAS (FREAKAZOID) , binary_fiend | Played by: Kosine

NATAKU TOUJO, lacking_heart | Played by: Oozaru Angel

MAJOR MILES, majormiles | Played by: Leah

SOMA PERIES, indefective | Played by: Leah

BOWSER, ihasanarmy | Played by: Leah

The following are on the Activity List for the first time, with no update. Updating within the next seven days gets you removed from the check.

WONDERWICE MARGERA, wonderful_white | Played by: Katie

GARNET TIL ALEXANDROS XVII, repolished_gem | Played by: Relika

EDWARD HYDE, truly_alive | Played by: Relika

HENRY JEKYLL, battleofwills | Played by: Relika

The following would be on the check, except that they are on, or just recently came off of, hiatus.

JAMES T. KIRK, so_illogical | Played by: Relika

KYO SOHMA, cursedzodiaccat | Played by: Ed/Icarus

EDWARD ELRIC, alchemyxfreak | Played by: Ed/Icarus

RITSUKA AOYAGI, fearforgetting | Played by: Ed/Icarus

AIKA THOMPSON, takinurtresur | Played by: Skie

JOHN UTTERSON, j_utterson | Played by: Skie

EMA SKYE, snackoo_katonk | Played by: Myst

The following have been dropped or removed due to inactivity.

friend remove lelouchingly

friend remove badteethpuppy

friend remove beyondback_up

friend remove chemicalburning

friend remove nochicksplz

friend remove riding_through

friend remove gleamingshard

friend remove no_touchy_hat

friend remove igarsoldat

friend remove bringsthesake

People on this list are allowed to be re-added, if they post and speak to a mod within the next seven days.

Please let me know if you'd like to dispute anything on the check.

FAQEmployment ListUpper Level ApplicationHiatus postTag Request

activity check, mod post

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