(no subject)

Dec 21, 2009 01:15


Since the mini event ended just around 24 hours ago this was just a cover up for preparations for the bigger event. This big event will will result in two characters being handcuffed together. This will start on Wednesday (time pending participation, it may end up being Thursday at 12:01 am). And I hope to see people volunteering for this as it'll force character interaction decided at random (if there is a -specific- two you and another mun want paired, then you are welcome to offer it up, however approval of such is left to moderatorship). Wednesday at about 11PM I'll post it up.

** NOTE: Characters will not be paired with friends. **

The catch is finding the key, throughout the week, until the 31st(ish, once again, this is pending as well~), they will receive clues as to where to find their individual keys to unlock the handcuffs. You'll have to solve a puzzle (TOGETHER) in order to get that clue. Teams of two are welcome to solve the puzzles they receive in any order, and can take until event end to solve them all.

There are no consequences for NOT solving the puzzle, it just means they'll be stuck together all week. (Which is fine, puzzles are going to be difficult. Sliding puzzles, word puzzles, number puzzles. Things that will require a variety of skillsets. Recognizing patterns and etc.) So I (personally) encourage everyone to not solve it quickly because the purpose of this is more character interaction and working together rather than actually GETTING the handcuffs undone (note: clues will probably be extremely obscure and useless. That's the reason Purgatory is doing it, too - CHARACTER INTERACTION.)

What I want people to do is comment here if they are interested in putting this on their characters and which characters.

Some notes on the handcuffs:
Magic reflects, knives will break, bullets will ricochet.
They can extend up to 3 feet apart. Purgatory does not expect people to share a bed. Three feet isn't that far, really.
Muns should leave their contact information here if it differs from the taken list, or at least an email address to allow a partner mun to contact you since I can use that as reference in the post on Wednesday.

I will use

and a Dice to generate the pairings.


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