Mar 09, 2008 15:00


If you're looking for some input or opinions on your characterization, then you've come to the right post.

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covert_chord March 9 2008, 22:08:55 UTC
I've been dying for one of these.

Allelujah Haptism, covert_chord
Damien Bennett, flawedintent
Cosmas Krelborne, innate_speculum
Rubedo/Jr., makarovs_pewpew


kagami2k March 9 2008, 22:23:51 UTC
While I don't know the series Allelujah is from, I just had to say you rock at handling split personalities. :3 I like reading his reactions.


covert_chord March 9 2008, 23:18:46 UTC
I'm happy to hear that I'm managing it well ♥ I swear I've got a MPD fetish or something.


kagami2k March 9 2008, 23:55:32 UTC
Out of curiosity, did you know he was going to have MPD when you took him up? I very vaguely remember that the series was just starting. So did it come as a surprise to you? XD For me, it was like, Oh, he seems like a nice sweet dude, and then... oh nice.


covert_chord March 10 2008, 00:01:21 UTC

I'm going to have to be completely honest here. You know how I got into Gundam 00 in the first place? Browsing /cm/ on 4chan, seeing a thread for MPD characters... Because I love that thing (see: Damien and Cosmas), I went, ooh! Saw a bunch of pictures of Allelujah and Hallelujah posted, thought to myself...they look interesting. Wonder where they're from? Wiki'd, found out. And even though I'd never been into a Gundam show before, I decided to give it a try anyway.

And the rest is history. So I knew Allelujah had MPD before I even knew who he was >_____> I picked him up around, let's see...I think episode 14 had just aired. We're on 22 now, so... He hadn't had much screentime since, though, so picking him up so early turned out to not be a problem at all in terms of characterization.


kagami2k March 10 2008, 00:08:34 UTC
Yes, the screencaps - in your icons, at least - look quite interesting. XD I'd just come back from hiatus, saw the blood running from his grinning mouth, and was like OH COOL. XD


covert_chord March 10 2008, 00:10:36 UTC
Halle is made of pure awesome and win.

Here, I have to link this video to EVERYONE.

Because it's one of the hottest moments in the show. Srsly.


kagami2k March 10 2008, 00:54:10 UTC
Ooooh... sadistic. I've seen a few Gundam-something episodes here and there and I don't think I've seen anyone drill slowly into the pilot like that before. 8D


technoballistic March 9 2008, 22:26:08 UTC
You and your MPD kids. I loooooove them. Your OCs are so fleshed-out and even when they're being crazy you feel really sympathetic for them, and Alle/Halle is PERFECTLY balanced and you really feel like they're real. I haven't had much interaction with Rubedo but I'll fix that one day, I will!


covert_chord March 9 2008, 23:19:47 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I give credit to you and Sellzy for helping Cosmas develop so well as a character. Thank you bb.


technoballistic March 9 2008, 23:20:29 UTC
<3! Well, Cos has given Sellz a side of her character I never see, so.


sniping_targets March 9 2008, 22:32:53 UTC
Allelujah is PERFECT. I love him. So much. So very, very much. Nice Halle too, of course~ Don't worry about making him too crazy, ok? Again, after all of that...any character would be going dfsgjfdsghfdsghfew. It's too bad we don't see much of Hallelujah in the series, because it'd be awesome if you could bring him out more. His week in control was pretty rockin' though.

Damien and Cosmas. Seeing how I've known them since they were created...godknowshowlongago, I can say that I thought they couldn't get any more awesome, but they have. I just love how they've developed and changed while here, while essentially being the same characters. It's hard to explain, but, I think you get what I mean.

Rubedo...I only know a little from what I played of the first game, and everything you've told me about it, but I'd say he's pretty damn good. Keep it up. :D


covert_chord March 9 2008, 23:24:27 UTC
I'm always deathly afraid of getting Alle wrong, making him too emo or just...I have my Alle-muse, he's perfectly there in my head, I just get worried if that muse is IC or not. ...Then again, considering the UTTER LACK OF SCREENTIME he's been getting in the last damn half of the series so far, it's not like I have too much to work from anyway >_> But it means a lot to hear that you think I'm doing a good job. I do plan on bringing out Halle from time to time from now on. He won't be around as much as Alle, of course, but Halle's just fun to play and the possibilities are endless. Also Tieria molestation never gets old.

<3333 If it weren't for you for me to RP with, they wouldn't exist in the first place, so thank yooooouuuu I owe a lot to you for that.

wh00p. I looked at how I played Rubedo a while ago and nearly cried, but I think this time around I'm managing it well enough. Hopefully.


sniping_targets March 10 2008, 00:16:54 UTC
Your muse is ttly IC. ...Like ttly. :O AND YAY HALLE. ...I'm still so very, very amused than Lockon doesn't mind him much. He's just, be careful not to get on his bad side and he's an okay guy. xD And no, it never does get old. And it never will.

Awww. Welcome!

He's pretty nifty, so yeah. :D


astagnantpause March 9 2008, 22:44:15 UTC
Ahahaha, yes, there is a definite pattern with your boys. XD

NOT ENOUGH RUBEDO. D:< Seriously? I think we need to like Resume the Xenoparty we gave up on way back when and go from there. I'm starting to feel like I really need that refresher on chaos (and Albedo too 8D), and then... yeah. you know what fun we can conceive of then.


covert_chord March 9 2008, 23:25:18 UTC

As soon as I'm on break (Tuesday's my last day of classes), I'd be all for us continuing the Xenoparty. We really, really need to.


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