Who: Hisoka and B [eventually Tsuzuki and L]
When: Thursday
Friday, after
this and before
this logWhere: Clock Tower
Rating: R
Warnings: angst, violence/blood including torture
Summary: B baited Hisoka. Hisoka would die for Tsuzuki. Um, he might end up doing just that?
After Kyoto, Hisoka had made a promise to himself. Whenever he had the choice, he would do anything to keep Tsuzuki safe. He couldn't bear seeing Tsuzuki look so hopeless, not when he could do something to prevent it. He knew he was playing with fire by rising to B's threats, but he couldn't take that risk. He only hoped his healing abilities would work at full capacity, now that he had them back.
Quickly he stole away from the terminal and headed towards the Clocktower, where he could feel the uncontrolled spikes of B's emotions as they cut through the general hum of Purgatorium. He walked swiftly, his head bent, hoping he could distract B enough to satisfy his need for entertainment. Hisoka doubted it would go so easily.
He opened the door slowly, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness of the Clocktower before entering. The last thing he wanted was to be taken by surprise.