Who: Mello & Nill
When: tonight
Where: Mello's house
Rating: PG?
Warnings: Mello is probably his own warning
Summary: Nill goes to visit Mello, and give him a gift.
Nill wasn't in the best of moods, not even after cleaning out the little shanty that she planned on making her own little hideaway house. She felt accomplished, of course, but not happy, which was something that she was craving to feel. After everything that had been going on, she hadn't really been able to see Mello at all. Just seeing him briefly in passing at his party had been the last time she had spoken to him, and Nill felt rather guilty for going so long without seeing him. He was one of her closest friends, and someone she admired greatly. Perhaps he could help cheer her up.
It was with that hope in mind that she made her way to Mello's house, and made her way inside without knocking. She wanted to surprise Mello, and he had told her that she would always be welcome, so she assumed that it was all right of her do to. Clutched tightly in her hand were two little trinkets, gifts for Mello and L. She didn't mind if Mello gave Ryuuzaki his, but Nill had to be the one to place both in Mello's hand.
Standing in the entryway to the house, she looked around, listening for any sign of Mello's voice. Not really hearing much of anything, she tiptoed along, her dirty bare feet leaving tracks as she moved. She didn't notice them, however, and crept further into the house. She wanted to call out Mello's name, but couldn't, and instead did what she should have done in the first place. She knocked.
Only she didn't make her way back outside to knock on the door, no. She found the closest wall and knocked upon that, rather loudly. Someone would have to hear and know she was in the house. Hopefully she wouldn't be shot in the process of being discovered.