Who: Church and Tex
When: Friday
Where: Abandoned building by the water.
Rating: PG-13/R.... maybe
Warnings: Language, Tex is bloody, ... um, It's Church and Tex.
Summary: Tex is dying and Church just found her. It picks up right where
this thread stops.
It was happening again, just like he had feared. It had always sat in the back of Church’s mind that one day he would lose Tex again. It seemed like the kind of cruel punishment that came pretty readily in this place. He cursed himself aloud as he searched frantically for Tex, stopping now and again by random terminals to check her updates. Mostly, he was making sure she was still alive. Though he cursed aloud, in his mind he was praying to whatever god was listening that she be allowed to live. He asked repeatedly that they take him instead if they had to have someone.
Then, one of her last posts, she had finally said something to him that he never thought he would hear from her. She told him she loved him. His heart almost stopped but he demanded it keep on pumping so he could continue to look for her. She’s written those words, he wanted more than anything to find her and hear her say them.
After searching and searching, he was starting to lose hope. He was busting open door after door and finding nothing. Until that door, that random door. He pushed it open with the same fervor that he had all the other, praying silently that she was inside. This time his prayers were answered when he saw her on the ground. Her wounds looked bad. She was right, there wasn’t any way he could save her. His heart sank.
“Allison.” He breathed out in almost a sigh as he sank to his knees next to her.