Who: Midna and Waka (and witnesses?)
When: Today, after Midna's post
Where: a big honkin' hole in the lower level somewhere
Rating: PG?
Warnings: TBA
Summary: Midna is about to fall into one of the holes caused by Neffe's event. Waka to the rescue!
Midna clung with all of her strength to the edge of the hole that had opened under her. Her fingers were already raw from the rough stone they hung onto. Recovering from the initial surprise, she did her best to regain her bearings, daring a glance down.
Complete blackness. There was no surviving if she slipped.
Midna shut her eyes tightly a moment, feeling dizzy at the thought. Then she shoved everything aside mentally; the tiniest instinct to panic, the pain from her slowly swelling ankle, everything but her hardened survival instinct. Slowly she attempted to pull herself up. Unfortunately this was a harder task than she expected, with no footholds and very little upper-body strength. If only her levitation abilities from when she was an imp were still with her. She managed to pull herself to a few different stones then she had been holding onto, but then her bloody fingers slipped from their holds and she slid back to where she was before...no further down than that. Now only her wet fingers were what kept her from plummeting to her death.
Ok, so much for not panicking. She struggled to climb back up again, calling out a word she never thought she'd hear herself say;