Who: Axel and Roxas
When: This evening
Where: Chez Nobody
Rating: Arrrrrr
Warnings: Haha. Pouncing.
Summary: After kidnapping Roxas from teh office and chaining him to a radiator since, oh, yesterday, Axel goes to work. And then comes back. Guess who's not chained anymore.
Roxas was angry.
Granted, some basic level of displeased was probably Roxas' normal state of being, but he felt particularly justified at the moment. And all day, really. One, because he was chained to a radiator; two, because he'd been chained to said radiator since yesterday but at least had been distracted from it; and three, the guy who'd chained him had the audacity to go off to work this morning and leave him there. Just like that.
The being chained up by one's partner was not the problem and in fact had only been protested to a certain point. It was the being chained away from one's partner that was a huge serious issue, ESPECIALLY when Axel was claiming it was for his own good. Axel's ideas about things for Roxas's own good often left a lot to be desired.
Mostly, though, it was Roxas's own prickling paranoia that made him jumpy and decidedly discomfited about being forced to stay in one place. Which was not defensible. The dream hadn't quite left him yet.
Axel knew better than to use anything with a lock that could be undone. No, he'd just melted some of the links together, and oh so considerately left enough slack for ...stuff. And it had taken damn near all day for Roxas to get Oblivion to freeze one of the links enough to break it, since Oathkeeper couldn't quite get the hang of heating up one certain area and not setting the carpet on fire.
So he was free. Finally. And Axel would be getting off work soon. And he would come home to find a length of chain still attached to the radiator and not attached to anything at the other end. Like a Keyblade Master.