Who: Farfarello and Sasori
When: Mid-fternoon, March 18th
Where: Lower level, Farfarello's pad?
Rating: TBA;
Warnings: Gore, language and two friendly psychos meeting for acid, cheesecake and all-around creepiness.
Summary: Sasori goes to bring lunch and acid for Farfarello, upon request after
this comment thread.
Because he didn't have to go into an office job just yet - SOLDIER still being under construction - Sasori's mornings and afternoons were still pretty empty, appointment wise. He spend his days tending to Suzaku's every whim, like a good pet/roommate/caretaker/housewife/best friend.
Nevertheless, when he got a chance for some amusement - that is, lunch and creepy with Farfarello - he thereby decided that one lunch alone wouldn't kill Suzaku. He cooked enough food for three, pakced most of it in his messenger bag (in tupperware), and headed down to the lower level, photos and acid in tow. He already had an idea of how he could show Farfarello just how nice his puppet body had been, provided the gods hadn't taken his ability to Henge.
Remembering the address from the ShinRa files, Sasori got there in record time and, hands full, he kicked the door as a form of knocking, with those prized platform boots that had been his White Day gift.