Who: Cosmas, Cloud, Cissnei
When: Early this morning
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some violence, maybe? It's training, after all.
Summary: Cosmas heads to ShinRa HQ to get some training in fighting techniques and the like.
How in god's bloody name did Damien always get up this early? Though he had managed a decent amount of sleep, there was something about the fact that the sun was barely up that had a sedating effect on him. He was a night person. Not a morning person. Not at all. Not in the least bit.
It'd taken a bit of debating for the scientist to let him out at such an odd hour, but after a good argument (which included more than a few threats), there he was. The true breaking point had been the entire protected/protector thing, something that Damien knew very well himself. Both men were tired of being the weak, "normal" ones in their respective relationships. It was always their women who were being threatened, who were out there fighting, who were saving their asses instead of vice versa. And while Damien couldn't do anything about it, Cosmas at least had strength and better reflexes on his side.
He still hadn't a clue why he was so much stronger than his other half, but he wasn't questioning it. First and foremost in his mind right now was one simple fact: He would never let Sellz be fighting without him at her side, being useful. He didn't need magic fairy powers to be strong. And then, maybe he'd get some damn respect for once from people.
Cosmas yawned loudly, stretching out his arms in front of him as he made his way towards the front of the ShinRa building. Who was that man meeting him...spikey-haired kid...Cloud, was it?