Who: Wesker and whoever drops by (OPEN)
When: today
Where: Claire and Leon's doorstep
Rating: PG?
Warnings: None
Summary: Stuck in the body of an eight year old pink haired girl, Albert Wesker is not a happy camper.
If one more person tried to give him a doll, cookies, ice cream, or anything else sugary or sweet, Albert Wesker was not going to be responsible for the consequences )
Despite Max's powers, he wasn't exactly willing to test the extent of her durability.
It was odd as well for his mind to be so quiet. He hadn't experienced this level of silence in over a year now. No Cosmas at all. It was glorious in some ways, unsettling in others. As much as he loathed his other personality, it was still something he had gotten used to.
As he continued walking, he spotted familiar pink hair. And, not knowing yet of the details of all the body switching going around, he automatically assumed that it was the girl in question.
"Yachiru," he greeted to the girl he had only seen a day previous, walking over. "How are things?"
"I am not Yachiru. I suggest you find someone else to bother," he replied, cold and measured words that were unfortunately delivered in a little girl's high voice.
Wesker's lip curled in utter disdain as his hand rose to shove some of the pink hair back behind his ear. He had tried to wet it down with water to slick back earlier but it had dried in fallen in the mess that Yachiru usually wore it in.
"I have no interest in talking to anyone."
That and he was fighting this body's urge to have a cookie.
"Ahhh, so you've swapped with Yachiru, haven't you. Doesn't seem like you're having too much fun."
Taunting was something that he rarely did outside of his closer friends, but really, how could he resist?
"So, then. Who's really in there?"
"I am Albert Wesker, and much like the other 'lessons' of the gods, I am sure this will not be a long term switch. I advise you very carefully to consider the next words out of your mouth. I have a very long memory and an even further reach when it comes to those who tempt my anger."
That would have been a whole lot more intimidating if he hadn't been in the body of a pink-haired fluffball of cuteness as well as speaking in a voice that made his words end with a little kid's lisping blur. A small finger pointed directly up at Damien, his eyes narrowing.
"Mark me, you will regret it if you choose to continue."
He had never wanted to be back to his six foot tall height more in his life.
And even with that, he found himself kneeling down next to 'him'. While he wanted nothing more than to grab him, try and fly up to the bottom of the upper plate, and drop him, he knew that the actual Yachiru wouldn't exactly like that too much.
"Funny that this is how we first meet. I have to say, you're pretty adorable with pink hair."
When the man kneeled down next to him, Wesker was half-stunned by the man's stupidity. Granted, he might be in an eight year old's body, but that hadn't decreased any of Albert Wesker's knowledge or ability. Weaponless wasn't helpless in a man who had been leader of his own search and rescue team.
"I did warn you," Wesker replied coldly.
And threw a punch right at Damien's nose since the man had been nice enough to get right down on level with him.
"There's no need for violence. Really. I all but loathe you, but I haven't done a single thing to hurt you now, have I?"
"You will release me and go away, little man. As I said, this cannot last forever, and when it is done with, I am not a person you want to make an enemy of."
Little fingers folded into his palm, Wesker trying to tug his arm back from Damien's grip.
"And I'm only trying to be nice here. You looked so lonely, sitting out there on the porch, so depressed. I take it you're disappointed that you can't work on your usual virus spreading experiments, hm?"
It was a gesture that anyone who had ever dealt with a tantruming child would have understoood. I'm ignoring you now.
For once in his life, Wesker found himself wanting Leon or Claire to come out and make this man go away. He had no desire to be tormented by anyone, especially not someone that he was going to do something horribly painful to at a later date.
The thought of normal Wesker sitting on the stairs with that expression practically made him giggle.
"Now, now. There's no need to be so angry." Damien paused, thought for a few moments, and came up with an idea.
"Here." Damien reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a few napkins. Wrapped inside of them were a few chocolate chip cookies that he had purchased at the café on his way home. Considering the mental torture Max had to be going through, he had figured that she could use them. "This ought to make you feel better. Don't worry, it isn't laced with any poison or viruses or whathave you," he said as he took one out, handing it to the 'child'.
The child leaned over a little to study the cookies, nose wrinkling some before he turned his head away some.
"I don't eat cookies or chocolate. It reacts badly with my physiology. As a scientist, I am surprised you didn't realize that. Given my enhanced speed, strength, and healing, didn't you know I have to get the energy for such from somewhere?"
He kept holding out the cookie. Oh, this little encounter wasn't going to do anything but cause trouble later on, and somewhere in his head, Damien knew this. But he was just too amused by the entire situation to care right now.
"I don't like them, and I don't want it."
All of a sudden, he was much more aware of the fact that Leon and Claire might not be watching him right now and that he didn't have much power on his own. In fact, he was pretty much helpless.
"Don't you have somewhere else you should be?" Wesker growled, going for the attempting to intimidate in the face of the situation.
Damien still could hardly believe that he was dealing with Wesker of all people. He still wondered how the man would have acted if he met him under proper conditions. ...and, to be honest, Damien rather hoped that he'd never have to find out.
Wesker continued to regard Damien mistrustfully. In truth, he had a right to think that way. After all he had done, quite a few people would probably like to poison him. Add in that Damien was a scientist, and most of the scientific community that Wesker knew was crazy, he felt less at ease. Had Wesker found someone like himself, he would be dissecting them right now.
"You mistake me for a nice person," he snarked, watching Damien intently.
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