Who: Chaos, Dizzy, Rin, Sesshoumaru, and Rubedo [Open]
When: Tonight
Where: The Ball
Rating: PG
Warnings: Chaos being too friendly and Dizzy is still not herself [psycho!dizzy]
Summary: Chaos and Dizzy meets at the ball first time as dates. ♥ Dizzy's looking for her friends even with her insane mind.
Let us dance~ )
With so many people emanating such a presence, it was no wonder that he didn't recognize him until he found himself, well, assaulted. He spared a sheepish, helpless look to Dizzy as he sank to the floor, arm still outstretched.
"Jr.!" he finally managed, returning his embrace with somewhat less urgency--but then, he wasn't the one who more than likely thought his friend dead and gone, or at least out of his life for a substantial portion of the future. "When did you get here?"
He knew he was rambling, but the thrill of seeing one of his closest friends alive and well after what had happened on Michtam... He hadn't a clue what had happened after they had left. chaos, KOS-MOS, Jin, Nephilim... That they had somehow succeeded was understood, but as to what had happened to them afterwards, he hadn't a clue.
Rubedo hugged him again for good measure. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you. We were worried sick about you and the others."
Dizzy looks back to Chaos smiling politely, "yes, pleasure to meet--" Just as Dizzy was following the same jester, her hand pause in the air watching a young boy coming out of nowhere to hug Chaos. The look on Dizzy's face showed she was lost. Her lost face turns to a frown. Dizzy remain quiet observing the two for now.
It was his silent and unspoken way of letting her know that he was not angry at all with her behavior, though he would never tell her such a thing aloud.
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