Who: Duzell and all who wants to bug him [Open]
When: Right now
Where: Edge of the forest, near town
Rating: PG ish
Warnings: none
Summary: Duzell decided to take a walk with his new sword, in the icy snow.
The snow fell like droplets of rain, but instead of water, it was particles of tiny ice crystals formed together. )
As he had no recollection, he believed that ShinRa were to blame; yes, the ShinRa had experimented on SOLDIER, their army of monsters, and Sephiroth was at the very head of that army. That was something that made his blood boil--the very thought of how ShinRa was using him for their glory, for victory, while innocents suffered and were experimented on. It was such a sickening thought, and he decided that ShinRa must be stopped.
Considering how his countenance was so different now, he did not rush either of them in anger. Instead, he steadily continued walking and ignored the crunching of branches and snow underfoot. If he'd reach the one in front of him first, then he would consider conversing with him. It hardly mattered; conversation might drown the voice in his head for even a short moment. Conversation is what made Sephiroth think, made him prepare some sort of strategy and battle plan before considering stepping into the city to deal with ShinRa once and for all.
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