Who: River (
etokyramnasmekt), Farfarello (
When: The Night of Friday, December 7th
Where: By the river
Rating: Oh gawd, I don't even know. Anywhere from PG to NC-17 for sheer insanity and violence.
Warnings: As stated above: Insanity and possible violence, since River will INEVITABLY lose it.
Summary: Farfarello doesn't know how to dance. River's going to fix that. And lose her fucking mind in the process. Again.
River had been idle for far too long. Playing in the snow had some appeal... though, for one who patently refused to wear shoes, it ended up being a bit painful after a while. Her feet grew numb, and then burned... there was enough sense left in the girl to recognize the onset of frostbite. That would create problems that she really did not want to deal with... after all, how could one dance if one's feet turned purple and useless when there was a draft? Couldn't, that's how. So, she had to stay inside... but, she didn't have to like it.
She took a measure of compromise, at least: she started wearing socks. Shoes were still out of the question, but at least she had a little insulation now... and she could still feel the earth beneath her feet, so there was nothing wrong with the situation. Nothing at all.
She'd been inside for some time, when the arrangement was struck with Jei. Not Farfarello... she refused to call him that. It was just a word, a mask, and it shouldn't be on him. Jei was much better. More suitable. It was the label on his soul, carved into a nice bronze placard. She wouldn't help him tear that placard down.
She wasn't sure, at first, how she'd be able to properly give a lesson without injuring herself; the snow wasn't going away anytime soon, after all. It would still be there, and still be annoyingly cold, when she wanted to give Jei his lesson. So, then... what? She could invite him to their house, but she doubted Spike would approve. He was territorial, after all... wouldn't like another dominant male within his domain. Which meant she'd have to fix up the ground...
At last, she settled on a solution which, while not perfect, was about as good as she was going to get: she simply went to the meeting point early, and started clearing the snow away by hand. She couldn't get it all, of course, despite her natural anal-retentive attention to detail, but... well, it would suit. She'd cleared a ten-foot ring in the snow, which was enough for her purposes. Probably.
Now... she just had to wait.
(OOC: Cut lyrics from "Sahara" by Nightwish)