Who: Logan and whoever. [OPEN]
When: This evening
Where: In town, random locations
Rating: TBA?
Warnings: Possible violence/profanities/stabbities, if something goes awry.
Summary: Logan does his best to "lay low", as Hojo told him to. Jenovafied weird!Logan finds this very, very difficult, though. D:
safe from pain // and truth // and choice // and other poison devils //
see, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do )
Jenova was the monster behind this, but Hojo definitely had something to do with it, too. Despite that, he didn't tell Rikku that he was going out to take care of some business; he had no intention of telling Jean, either. Granted, this very much went against his ideals of teamwork and such, but emotions made things so convoluted. Telling Rikku would mean that she might stop him, and it probably would be the same if he'd told Jean. But he just had to know.
He'd break the rules. Again. He knew Medea would be angry--she did give him a warning last time, and Kakashi was pushing his luck on this one. But he figured that it wouldn't be so hard looking for Logan, especially considering all the hubbub going on about him being crazy and having killed someone.
No, it wasn't that hard at all. Looked like Logan was just doing a little job of sorts. Heh.
"Yo!" It was a usual greeting, enthusiastic in its own strangely lazy way. "By the way, you're security for Schuldig's club, eh? I've got an appointment with you... How about a chat?"
He stood in a slouch, leaning his weight on one leg and holding a perverted book in one hand while the other rested on his hip.
Having retained memory of the ninja's scent from their previous rendezvous, Logan was starting to wonder if the man's approach on him was with intention to strike up a conversation, or if he was just passing by, happenstance at its best, all things considered. Kakashi's immediate jump into acknowledgment and questions struck him as a little odd; he seemed a little too eager... though, granted, they were working under the same management now, so the request to "chat" did allow for some degree of reason.
Turning to face him, semblance etched with a purposeful lack of expression, the mutant shifted his weight to the side, mirroring Kakashi's stance, radiating a trademarked air of relaxed indifference. Hands shoved deep in the pockets of his jacket, those fresh bullet holes allowing two circular hints of a red-stained tank beneath ((he's not lacking proper hygiene; just suffering a lack of unlimited undershirts)), Logan regarded him thoughtfully, head cocked to the side as if he was trying to remember the other man's name.
"Kabotchy, right?" A smirk, the marring of his name fully intentional. "Yeah, Schul listed me as head of security. Guess amidst everythin' what's been happening recently, I forgot to touch base with my fellow strip-folk. What's on yer mind, bub?"
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