Who: Piiko, Shikamaru[?] and Tear[open to everyone else who wants to join ^^]
When: After the log with Lime and Shikamaru
Where: Cafe
Rating: G-PG ish
Warnings: None at the moment
Summary: Lime Shikamaru and Tear go off to the cafe to continue their conversation.
OOC:// very sorry for posting this late late @___@ ...
With their convesation holding off for now, Tear had taken this chance to head over to the cafe, an idea from the boy, to continue their talking. It gave the fonist a chance to explore the place even more and somewaht know where some things were and weren't. Her footsteps were long strides against the ground as she walked, her blue hues watching the road as she did. Moments, later there was that cafe, she supposed it was the one that the boy had mentioned. She could only assume after all. Tear was quite unfamiliar with this place either way.
The young woman pushed open the door to the cafe and entered it. When she entered the cafe, it smelled of sweetness and at the same time some sort of bitterness that hung in the air. It was warmer inside, and gave a sort of warmth. It smelled nice and brought a sort of homey feeling to it. The young woman made her way to a table near the corner and silently looked around from there, and perhaps she was looking for her two companions.