Who: Tifa, Howl, Open!
When: At the Ball
Where: At the Ball
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Cheesy Wizard looking for Love? :S
Summary: Howl managed to snag himself a rather fine young woman (mmm, heart <3) to take to the dance~
She seemed to have liked the fat free candy! )
When asking the Gods for a costume, she had not really had anything in mind, and had just stated something that she would not normally wear, but that was not too over the top. It had come in this costume, and truth be told, she did feel rather strange. While the gown was stunning, dresses of such a nature usually were not Tifa's thing. Plus, the whole swooped neckline plunged a bit far into her cleavage. Luckily, she had that cloak.
Tifa had to admit that Howl was interesting, for they had talked on the way over, and although she found him rather cheesy, he was easy going and entertaining. Now at the ball, Tifa looked around, for she had heard about several of the costumes, and wanted to know if the rumors were true. A voice though caught her attention, and Tifa turned, already smiling. "Alice!"
Giving a soft nervous chuckle, she shrugged her shoulders. "Mhm. This thing gave me a few problems putting on..."
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