Jun 04, 2006 11:07
And they're all supposed email bounces, meaning some spammer (the text is one of those paypal phishing things) used my email as their return address. Now I'm just waiting for people to start sending me nastygrams because they think said spammer used their actual return address.
In other news, we bought our first robot. Walla says we're going to nurture it until it develops sentience, then deny it civil rights and see if it tries to kill us. He wants to name it Johnny 5. He has very high hopes for Roomba evolution.
We tried it out yesterday. Our downstairs floor feels nice and clean. It's really quite awesome. We got the Scheduler, so we can just set it to clean the house while we're at work. Who needs a housecleaner when you could have a ROBOT? It's only a matter of time before we all have our own Rosies. Now I just need something that will dust, clean the toilets, and load, wash, and fold the laundry.
Also, I fucking hate summer. Screw heat. Love AC. I want our next house to be within 10 miles of the beach. Though, I also want my next house to be so big that we get to have wings which we can name after various video game zones. "The arcade? That way, over in the Plane of Mischief. No, no, go right. Black Wing Lair is left -- that's where the LAN compound is."
I can dream. Keep buying those WoW subscriptions pls thx.