J!NX gave away 200 tickets to an advance screening of
grandma's boy since their shirts are heavily featured in it. i was the first person to respond because A. i'm on the mailing list and check my email constantly and B. they had the wrong email address on the website; after my first email bounced, i figured out what address they probably meant to put up (they had put the email address as just "grandmas," when they meant "grandmasboy"). because i helped them fix their website issue, the guy i exchanged emails with at j!nx sent me a gift certificate, which i thought was super cool. i've been wearing j!inx shirts for years (so long that i actually had to buy another one of a shirt i already had cos i'd worn out the first), but they're really getting big now.
the preview was last night in downtown san diego in the gaslamp quarter, which is just over an hour's drive for us. we weren't sure we were going to be able to make it since, as walla pointed out, there has been so much going on at work for him with 1.9 being released. walla managed to get off of work a couple hours early anyway, and we made the drive down with pretty much no traffic. it was really nice. we made it to the theatre about an hour early, and the chick told us we had to wait for jinx people to show up before getting tickets and stuff. there were only 2 other people there for the movie at the time, and they weren't even with the j!nx group, so we decided to spend the hour until 6 (when the jinx people said they'd show up) by taking our very first shopping trip to urban outfitters, which was across the street.
man is that place emo. i realize that's probably the point. walla kept saying, "that's so dianna." and i told him that's because that's where she buys most of her clothes (right?).
walla wanted a t-shirt they had, but they didn't have it in his size; i got a medium for myself, so he can live vicariously through me. we got a few other things, all very cute, but god damned am i ever not used to normal clothing store prices vs. the internet/old navy/department stores. i know it's normal and stuff, but good lord, i haven't spent that much on a dress since i bought something all fancy, gothy and involving velvet.
we walked back over to the theatre at 6 and got in the line that had formed. the j!nx guys didn't show up until 6:15 (gd geeky slackers!), but then those of us that were there with them got to go in first, so nyah. it was weird cos the rest of the preview tickets were given away by 91X (an "alternative" kroq type station in SD) and some other 90 station which was hip hop. i guess it makes sense when you consider gaming demographics, but still, i found it amusing that there were two hip hop guys all "yo yo yo" with the PA system, and then the j!nx geek guys right after them, doing their little video game trivia thing.
the movie was GREAT! i was so surprised. it was like harold and kumar (weed played a HUGE role in the film, i had no idea!) + video games. i wasn't expecting anything from the movie at all, and it turned out to be totally hilarious. the characters were all likable and funny, and all the weed and video game jokes were great. sure, the game development stuff was a little unrealistic, the way pretty much all computer-related stuff in movies and television is (e.g. *scrolling characters on a screen in a funny color* THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE OVER THE INTERNET WITH THIS VIRUS Z0MG), but even that was minimal and it made for more great scenes in the movie. and most people not in the video game industry or computer savvy would most likely not know the difference (which is the reason or point, i imagine). if you like video games and/or weed, i highly suggest seeing "grandma's boy"! and i'm totally picky about movies, seriously.
we happened to park across the street from the hustler store, which is open until 2 am, so after the movie, instead of going to the after-party at some bar, we went shopping *again*, at hustler. half the stuff they have is waaay over-priced (i'm used to shopping at
blowfish), but they had a lot of really fun stuff. there were a lot of things that we saw and were like, "omg that's awesome... oh wait, i can order that for 50% less on blowfish when we get home." we ended up coming home with a bag anyway. and now we have a list to go with the next blowfish coupon we get. ^_^
in other news, walla has now booked 6 photoshoots between now and the end of february. if you don't hear from us much, you'll know why. :P we're trying to help chad and gwin get
deviantnation.com going, so we're helping them by shooting girls between LA and san diego. expect many pictures in the coming months! in the meantime, you can look at walla's revised photography homepage here:
http://pix.channelzero.com/! he's still working on getting that white set processed. we have a shoot this sunday with another girl we've never met, which should be interesting, and hopefully productive. :)