(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 23:37

I'm dying! I feel worse than I have ever felt in my life. I've been so sick that I haven't been able to do a damn thing for the past 3 days. And on top of that, the last couple of months have been really interesting as well. Let's see... Where to start... Oh, I guess that I should start off with everyone moving out of my apartment in February, followed by the systematic breakdown of everything I know. I pretty much have been living by my self for the last month or so... I mean, my friend Rob moved in in March, but he spends more time away than he does at home, and our "good buddy" Matt shafted me on rent for March, I've almost gotten evicted twice in the past 2 months due to misfortune and negligence. I watched someone completely lose their mind while taking hallucinogens, I almost lost my mind that way, and I can't even hold down a job for more than a month at a time. I am really glad that I am not at home tonight, because life sucks down there. I can't even begin to describe how terrible things are becoming. I have, however, progressed in my guitar lessons, I can almost play all of Polly by Nirvana, but that's about it right now. I am glad that things are going good for Cristy, she deserves nothing but the best. I am still madly in love with her, but there's nothing I can do about it, so we'll just be good friends for now. Though she did rescue me from my shithole tonight. I seriously don't know what I would do if she wasn't around. She's my everything, and she doesn't even mean to do it. Oh well, that's all I can say right now, because I have to tend to my ailing body. So, until next time, I guess that you will have to come see me to find out what's going on.
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