goodbye to summer

Sep 02, 2007 14:00

Its over. Once again, another college summer has been foiled by the beginning of classes. The nights of staying up partying until five or six, or driving at night blaring music with no traffic in sight are gone for another nine months.

But do we weep or do we breathe out a sigh of relief?
This summer was amazing. I'm not sure I can think of another word that can encompass my experiences this summer. Stellar? Awesome? Fabulous? Fantastic? Nah! This summer was AMAZING, but if you think about it, college summers are supposed to the best times of our life.

I experienced so many things in such a short time. I took trips to different places, met so many new people, partied harder than rockstars can even imagine and I shared experiences with people that will never be forgotten even when I'm long gone.

The summer was my time to throw away responsibility and just have fun. I am depressed that I won't have times like these anymore. I know my summers will be full of fun and excitement in the future, but they won't be anything like this summer. In a way I'm sort of glad to get back into the groove of a regular routine and finish my degree, but the other part of me wants to live in the summer phase forever.

I'm sure the school year will not hinder me from having my usual good times and meeting even more people to add to my repertoire of friends, but I will have to attend class and actually graduate this year from MassBay, which seems to put a damper on so many weeknight plans.

So I must give my last farewell to summer as I go back to school on Tuesday, and hopefully look forward to graduation and if I'm lucky, next summer can be just as fun.

Good luck to everyone at college and I hope these memories we have made this summer will stick with all of you as well.

xoxo i love you all
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