(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 21:14

I feel about 2 inches tall right now. I checked my checking account last night and had $123 in it, which I know is low but come on now I never have any money in there. So I went to the mall and got a $40 top for work (I got the job at the shoe store) and put $10 gas in my car because it was on empty. I figured I would spend $50 at Hyvee or HYVee or HYVEE or where-ever-the-fuck and buy some groceries because the beer bottles in the fridge outnumber things to eat here. So I bought $50 worth of food and was checking out. I swiped my card and.. Insufficient Funds. Ummmmm... okay!???? So I put the 3-for-$10 pizzas back and the total was about $40. Still not taking my card. What. The. Fuck. I guess that's what pending transactions do. So I left my cart there which I'm sure the employees loved, and called my dad who is going to put $125 into my account tomorrow morning. Happy Birthday Dad (today is his bday - I didn't even get him a card.)

Chris is suposed to pay rent, and I'm suposed to pay the bills, including groceries. I'm totally not doing my part. I am so pissed about the mall job going the way it did. I was hired as part time at $7.50, then on my first day.. oh! I'm part time! I know it's my fault that I'm where I am (broke), but what can I do when the only jobs I can find all only pay $6-7. It's near impossible to save any money to have as a "cushion" when you are getting paid like that.

I am so fed up with relying on my parents for everything. I can't wait for the day when I can pay my own bills and not have to call crying because I don't have enough money in my account for $40 of groceries. Part of me wishes I would have just followed through with college this past year and not dropped ALL of my classes, because all the jobs I want are ones requiring SOME college.. but at the same time, another part of me is SO BITTER about the whole "college" thing. Right now the only thing that comes to mind when I hear "college" is "fuck", as in fuck college. It seems like everywhere I go, I hear about so and so having a college degree and not being able to find a job using it or they get that job that they worked for and then they hate it. Then there are all of those "I'm so smart" fuckers that think that because they're in college or they have a degree they're hot shit. Well I don't think they are. There are a lot of really stupid individuals that are enrolled in school and don't have an ounce of common sense. I wish less emphasis was place on going to college. College college college. I'm so sick and fucking tired of hearing that word..

I am willing to do pretty much anything right now for cash. Any offers, anyone?
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