It's Amazing, but...

Dec 21, 2015 10:30

The nights (ok, let's be honest... NIGHT) that Jamie sleeps in his own space are GLORIOUS.

Last night, he slept from 8:30 pm til 1 am in his own crib, alone and then came into bed with me where he nursed and fell back to sleep... and didn't claw or kick at me, didn't snore (loudly, that is), didn't snort on snot in his nose. I got SO MUCH rest. I feel like a different person this morning.

Sleep deprivation is a subtle but devastating form of torture.

The last time Jamie slept that well was back in the early stages of November, before he got his first continuous cold. To be fair, babies that can't breathe through their noses can't sleep well and are cranky. But I was getting pretty tired of being so tired, all the time. I'm glad that I got one night of mostly sleep, even though I'm fairly certain that won't be a regular occurrence for the next six months or so.


They grow up too quickly, anyway, so I suppose I should be grateful for the snuggles?

Jake sleeps in another room every night, so that at least one parent is semi-functional to deal with the other children. This is smart, but lonely. I miss his warmth in the middle of the night. Jamie is warm, but Jake is bigger and warmer.

After that amazing night of sleep, Jamie was happy and cuddly this morning too-- who would have thought?!? He is SO MOBILE now it's disgusting. At six months (SIX!), we caught him up two stairs in the front hallway. I just about lost my mind seeing him standing there, holding onto the railings and grinning at me like a fool. "Look what I can do, Mom!"

Baby gate is up and in use now, obviously.

My Christmas shopping is done (thank goodness) and everything that was shipped to our house is wrapped (on my end). There are other gifts I shipped to my parents, so I still have wrapping to do Christmas Eve, but most of it is DONE. DONE, DONE, DONE. So I can take these last three days before traveling to wrap up household chores, to prepare for next semester (one week down, three weeks of slides to prep today!), and to just RELAX.

Hoping for a safe, happy, and relaxing holiday season.

milestones, james, sleep

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