James: Two Months Old

Aug 08, 2015 12:47

At two months, James weighs 14 pounds, 2 ounces and is 24.5 inches long!

He coos at us and watches the ceiling fans spin overhead. He can roll from back to belly going one way and we've seen him roll the other way once or twice. He loves to kick his feet in the bath and is outgrowing the infant tub! If held upright, he will plant his feet to "stand" on our laps and thinks that's the coolest thing ever. He nurses every couple of hours or so and takes a good nap in the morning. Nighttime is hit or miss-- some nights he nurses twice and sleeps a lot, some nights he fusses and claws at my belly all night long.

But his smile is SO WORTH IT!
Love this little boy.

milestones, james, month picture

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