Thanksgiving in Carthage

Dec 09, 2011 09:13

It was a little strange to go to Thanksgiving at someone else's house this year, as we've become accustomed to hosting people out in Michigan. This year, though, our rental home is just too small to host the number of people who would attend, and we are still far enough away that visitors would want to stay the night. We don't quite have enough space for that, either. Hopefully, by this time next year, we'll have something figured out or be in a new place of our own. (The plan of buying a new house might be dashed with budget cuts and concerns about Jake keeping his job, but we'll roll with that as it comes).

I seem to be taking more pictures of Leo lately. Maybe it's because Ben is a whirling dervish of energy and never holds still long enough for me to catch him!

Free advertising for Papa's business, Northwoods Forestry!
With a cute spokesbaby, I'm sure he'll get lots of new business. :-)

Our annual family photo for holiday cards.

We had dinner at my BIL and SIL's house. Here is their daughter, loving 'Bee-Ohh'. She is so excited to become a big sister this spring!

On Saturday after Thanksgiving, we visited my girlfriend Rose and her son Andrew at their new house. Ben and Andrew are only 20 days separated in age. They had lots of fun playing with all of Andrew's fire trucks! Ben still asks every now and then 'Mama, can we go on a car ride to Andrew's house when the sun wakes up? So we can play with the fire trucks? PLEEEEASSSEE?' lol

Too cute to pass up. It's hard to be a baby!

holidays, my girls, leo, benjamin

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