What I'm Thankful for, 2011 version

Nov 24, 2011 14:51

I thought that I would try to list 25 things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving before we leave for our special dinner.

This year, I'm thankful for:
1. My husband, Jacob, for everything he has ever done or been for me.
2. My son, Benjamin, for making me a mother.
3. My son, Leo, for healing me.
4. My BIL and SIL, for hosting this year's Thanksgiving dinner 
5. Our move to Albany, which brought us closer to family
6. Being close to my sister, which presents all sorts of opportunities for babysitting, shopping, and meals together
7. Jake's job which is as close to his dream position as he's ever been
8. My job in this economic climate. I know I am fortunate to have a position at all.
9. My half-time job, which allows me to stay at home with my boys while they're small.
10. A group of co-workers who have made me feel welcomed and accepted in a short amount of time
11. Selling our home in Michigan after only 2 days on the market
12. Not having to bring money to the table when selling our home, and coming out with part of our down payment intact
13. Finding a rental home in Albany where my sister could do a walk-through for us and which has turned out to be a wonderful location for us.
14. The local library which is only 3 blocks away and offers a toddler story time each Wednesday night
15. The local fire station and fire fighters, who offer amusement to Ben and are a mandatory stop on our daily walks
16. The opportunities that we have had this fall to explore our new location-- from trips to Rhode Island and Boston to walks around our neighborhood
17. My Ph.D. mentors, John and Hank, who worked really hard with me to help me graduate this summer
18. My labmates, especially Jenny, Jasmine, Jess, and Emily, who all helped me with experiments and nervous breakdowns
19. Always, always: my girls: Amanda, Andi, and Rose. I would never have made it to where I am today without them.
20. Kate Mazzara and Mazzara Midwifery who helped me through my pregnancy and labor with Leo (and with Ben!)
21. The ability to provide for my family and to put food on our table and a roof over our heads. We are truly blessed
22. A new church community that has welcomed my family with open arms
23. My family and family-in-law, who have been ever supportive of me and always willing to help Jake and I throughout our many adventures this year: babysitting, packing, moving, unpacking... you name it-- they were there!
24.The opportunity and ability to reach out to or reconnect with old friends through Livejournal and Facebook 
25. My health and the health of my loved ones.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?


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