
Sep 11, 2010 17:27

 We're done breastfeeding.  Ben hasn't asked to nurse all week and I'm fairly certain I've gone through the drying up process.  On the third day I felt heavy and full, with a spot of extra tenderness, but all that has gone away.

I am so, so proud that we got to where we did.  Fifteen months!!  I didn't think I'd make it fifteen days.  I would never have made it as far as I did without the help of so many women, most of them here on Livejournal.  So thank you: dolcedaze , gracified , lynda , and my adopt_a_mom mentor sarahinajar .  Thank you for all your encouragement and advice and support when I would post half-crazed entries about nursing hurting and how I didn't think I could take any more.

I cannot forget my awesome husband for being supportive of me throughout this journey as well, from the very beginning when I would cry to him about how much it hurt to this past winter when I was getting up in the middle of the night to pump.  You helped me to keep a clear head and remember what the most important thing was (a happy, healthy boy), but recognized how important breastfeeding was to me.

While I had daydreams about tandem nursing two kids once this new baby comes, I realized that it was a long shot.  Ben started nursing less and less this summer after I stopped pumping and got pregnant (both things that caused a huge drop in my supply, I'm sure).  I'm also going to be gone for nearly a week in November that we probably wouldn't have made it through that separation anyway.

I have so much more knowledge now and I'm actually looking forward to nursing a newborn again.

milestones, nursing, thankful

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