Last set of vacation pictures

Aug 09, 2009 08:44

There are a lot here. I just went through and edited the rest this morning after Ben went down for a nap.

The day after meeting the Vallencour clan, the Streeter side came to my parent's camp at Lake Bonaparte to meet Ben.
Here are my grandparents: Carl and Fran

My cousin Erin's son, Matthew

Grandma holding a fussy baby.

Kids on the dock!

Ben's first dip in Lake Bonaparte. He did NOT enjoy it at all.

Olive wanted to help him feel better. Puppy licks to the head are always good, right?

Ben with his G-Nana

We got to meet Beth for lunch!

Julia meeting Ben face-to-face

She's not sure what she thinks of him yet.

Baths in the sink at camp

He likes the warm water in bath much more than the cold lake water.

Happy awake time with Nana

Jake took Olive out for a trip in the kayak. Surprisingly, she only fell out once and didn't swamp Jake at all!

Ben loved to take naps on his Bompa-man. I think there was one mandatory nap on Dad's shoulder every day.

Uncle Larry visited from Vermont. I don't think Jake or I had seen him since our wedding in 2006.

Ben and Grandma V. again. I'm so glad we have some nice pictures of them together, as her situation has deteriorated since we came back to Michigan.

Lunch at the Bombay Duck Pickle Cafe

Alex, my SAI Little, drove down from Potsdam to see us! We ate lunch at the Bombay Duck Pickle cafe again that day.

I took about 50 pictures of Julia, Jack, and Ben together right before we left for home, and not one of them turned out. One child was a blur in every picture. Oh well. We'll try again in December.

Jack really wanted a boy cousin and was so gentle with Ben. He waited the whole time we were visiting for a chance to hold him and finally got to right before we left. He was so happy!

summer, new york, vacation, dad, family, benjamin, photography, olive, jack, julia, jake

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