Photos while the boy is asleep

Jul 15, 2009 17:04

I should probably be sleeping as well but Jake is giving a piano lesson downstairs and I doubt I'd be able to sleep through the playing. Ben is asleep (not for long, probably) in his co-sleeper at the foot of the bed and I've brought my laptop into the bedroom with me.  So I'll upload some photos here and then try to start some revisions to my manuscript before he wakes up and is OMGFEEDMENOW.

From the night before Karen left.  I really wanted to get a picture of her with him while he was awake (and not crying, hence the binky)

She makes the most random faces.

Reason #28 why I am not a perfect parent: I let my son sleep on his stomach.

He loves it though.  Check out that blissful expression.

We woke him up.  He was not amused.

In other news, we missed Ben's well baby appointment today because I am an idiot and, even with the time written in 2 separate places and getting 2 separate confirmation calls, we took him in an hour late.  It's not the end of the world, obviously, and there's nothing wrong with him but I was super angry at myself.  I've worked in a medical office before and I know how frustrating it is when someone misses or skips an appointment.  I HATE coming off as flaky and not having my ducks in order. ;-(  We rescheduled for next Tuesday, so hopefully I won't miss that one as well.

We have successfully ordered and have 2 copies of Ben's birth certificate!  We thought we were going to have to go through the state and that was going to not only take forever but also be SUPER EXPENSIVE because we would have to order online and pay for expedited shipping blah blah blah.  But we managed to order through the county and went to pick up the copies yesterday!  This was the only snag in us going to visit family in NY (we drive through Canada and the new identification law went through June 1), so we're set to drive through the night on the 23rd.  We're hoping to get Ben to sleep for longer periods consistently through the night.

So far we're on 2 consecutive nights of nurse, sleep for 4-5 hours, nurse, sleep for another 3-4 hours, nurse and wake for the day.  It's been amazing for everyone to get that much sleep and we're all doing a lot better for it.  If we can get him to feed and then immediately hop in the car, we'll be almost through Toronto by the time he wakes and wants to feed again.  We can stop to nurse and change him, then continue the rest of the drive and hand him off to the grandparents when we arrive in the early morning ;-)

baby update, nursing, benjamin, karen, photography

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