No sign of little BP. I don't think that due dates really mean anything to babies in utero.
He/She hasn't dropped at ALL, which makes me believe that I've still got a while to wait.
Everything is still going right on target after our midwife appointment last night. My blood pressure was a tad higher than it usually has been (120/68) but that's still at the normal range so we're not worried about it. I didn't have any swelling in my legs or hands, baby's heartrate was in the 150s and they've moved into ROA position. I hope they stay anterior but I'll take staying head down over anything else. The shoulders were stretched all the way across my belly, which was kind of disconcerting even though I know that they will (or should!) collapse during the birth. Those were some wide shoulders!
The contractions I've been feeling aren't real labor, they're just bunches of Braxton-Hicks. So my uterus is practicing and getting in shape for the big day, but nothing imminent. We also described to Kate the mucus-y 'stuff' that we've been seeing, but she seemed to think it was
leukorrhea and not my
mucus plug. Boo. I thought I was making progress here!
So I get bunches of BH contractions several times a day. I still have the stabby pains that are effacing my cervix. My back aches and my hips sometimes feel like they're about to fall off. I can deal with this for another couple weeks, right?
I attacked the house yesterday when I got home to clean things up but kept getting distracted in the middle of one task and moving on to another. So I'd be cleaning the front hall closet and I'd take out several pair of extra shoes to our bedroom closet and then I'd end up there for another 5 minutes hanging up clothes or re-arranging things. I never got back to the front closet to finish cleaning it out. Maybe later when I get a second wind.
We finally got around to planting some daisies and a soft maple that were given to use and repotting a baby spruce tree this morning. We also took our sage plant from last year that we somehow managed to keep alive (barely!) through the winter and transplanted that to the garden. We (mostly Jake) did some weeding around the front of the house and we came back inside just a few minutes ago for some lunch. It's been a half hour and there's no sign of either of us getting up to make that lunch or to call his mother, which we were supposed to do this morning. Oops. Guess that's my cue to get off the computer...