I write a lot sometimes... enough for 2 entries maybe

Mar 29, 2009 17:14

I have caught the crud. It's not nearly the plague of death that Jake had (and is getting over), so I'm thankful for that. Rather it just seems to be a bad cough that we both suffered through for two days before finally going to Target and getting some cough drops. Jake wanted me to take some of the 'normal' drugs we had around the house, but I looked up the pregnancy indications for them (category C! Who would want to take that?) I'm sticking with the menthol cough drops to sooth my throat but am avoiding any mucinex-type expectorants.

While we were at Target I also bought a box of cheapo brownie mix. I have been DYING for brownies for a while now and, while these are not the BEST brownies I've ever had, they are completely hitting the spot when it comes for my NEED FOR CHOCOLATE. Yummy. I told Jake that they were my brownies, and keep his hands off! I don't think he'll listen, but I don't think I need to eat an entire pan of brownies by myself either.

We leave Friday afternoon for NY, hopefully getting in around 8 or 9 pm. On Saturday, we have Amanda's JoP wedding ceremony. I told her that I would bring my camera and 'shoot' it for her. We plan to give her the images on a cd with a picture frame and let her decide which image she'd like to blow up of her special day, as a gift from us. I'm getting a little nervous about it. I mean, she's one of my best friends and this is a really important time for her, who am I to think that I could adequately capture that? Or that I can take pictures that aren't blurry? I'll do my best and just be happy that we can be there to witness and show our support and love to her and Darren.
Saturday afternoon we'll be driving to Syracuse to meet up with Nicole and Dylan, our housemates from 85 Elm. Dylan just bought a house so I think we're going there to check it out and hang with them for a couple hours. Either way, it's a lot of back-to-back driving.
Sunday is the baby shower and we're not really sure who's coming. Kit has only had a couple RSVPs and there are a bunch of women in Jake's family that are either out of town or who may not be coming due to illness/surgery/etc. I'm fairly certain my aunts and grandmother from Ilion are coming, but I'm not sure about Aunt Mo and Sam who would be coming in from the eastern part of the state. It might be a very small, intimate shower which is completely fine by me. I'd really like to see everyone, but I understand that they were given short notice.

We checked our registry this week and someone has gotten us a jogging stroller! WOW. We put it on there as a 'it would be really great to have one of these because I'd like to get back to running once I'm not pregnant, but they're super expensive and nobody would probably get that for us' thing and SOMEONE DID! It is compatible with some infant car seats, which means I could technically take baby out for walks/jogs this summer instead of waiting until they're 6 months old and able to hold their head up. By that time there will probably be snow on the ground! Someone also got us a 2-pack of bumGenius diapers so that will be super nice also. :-)

During the shower, Jake is probably going to take my dad to his parent's house where his dad and maybe Sam and Jack will be. He keeps talking about buying the latest James Bond video for his dad as an early Father's day present and having the boys all watch that. The boys keep arguing with my mom and I about the food options for the shower. So far it seems we're planning on finger foods, Grandma's bringing deviled eggs, we'll have a fruit, veggie, and cheese/crackers platter. I'm not sure what else (cake!). Dad keeps interjecting "You should make a dip! Yeah, like buffalo chicken dip! That would be great!" I'm thinking he wants to come back after the shower and sample whatever's left. I don't think a veggie platter is his top choice of snacking foods ;-p

On Monday I hope to visit with Emily B. and her two adorable children (is this still all right?) and then I think we're leaving for Michigan on Tuesday. I have to drive carpool on Weds and present at lab meeting, so I think we ought to be home to do that. Jake is on spring break all next week and has thought about painting the bathrooms while I'm at work so I don't have to breathe in the fumes. He's thinking that my 'nesting' instinct has transferred to him in the form of 'let's finish the updates on the house and get everything painted/crown molded/stairs fixed' kind of urge.
In a good news (!) update, John told me he's been asked to submit a paper for the 100th anniversary edition of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Since that was the journal we were planning to submit my manuscript to anyway, he told me that I had better get those last 4 peptides synthesized and tested and the manuscript finished by May 12. The deadline for submission to the journal for that particular edition is May 18. I'm setting a self-imposed deadline of getting the manuscript to both mentors on May 1 and allowing 2 weeks for revisions/edits/last minute experiments before submitting on May 18. YAY! I may actually get this article submitted before having the baby!

I don't know if this counts as nesting or not (and I kind of hope it doesn't because it would seem way too early), but yesterday I was up at 730 and spent an hour obsessively cleaning the kitchen. The only part I didn't do was wash the windows or the floor, but Jake went through and vaccumed, so that cleaned up all the crumbs. The only bad part about cleaning the kitchen until it sparkled is... well we needed to eat yesterday as well. So the kitchen was CLEAN for 30 minutes and then we made breakfast. Last night we had spaghetti and meatballs, which meant that the stovetop that I had scrubbed with a vinegar solution to get up any stains had red splatters across it again. *sigh* It's like cleaning the toilet-- you know that as soon as you do, the next person to use it is going to poop and then it will be a dirty toilet again. It's vicious, vicious cycle.

A couple weeks ago, we noticed our first robins of the season flitting around the backyard and on our walks. When I grew up, I was taught that it wasn't really 'spring' until you saw the first robin. Maybe because they migrate a little later than other birds, I don't know. So we saw robins and I rejoiced, knowing that spring had finally arrived and things were going to start turning green and wonderful again.
Today, it's snowing. Well, not really snowing. It's more like a rain-sleet-snow mixture (that has since stopped) that just makes everything grey and cold. WTF, Michigan? I thought it was supposed to be spring already? And I mean spring as in singing birds and warm showers and budding trees and tulips and all that kind of stuff. Snow did not fit into my mental image. I've only been through 24 of these seasonal changes, you'd think I would have a better idea of what REALLY happens during springtime.
I think I'll cling to my mental image of spring

We have the best dog. Truly, we do. One night Jake was lying on the floor while watching TV (not really sure why he wanted to lie on the floor and not the couch, but that's another story). Olive came up to him and somehow managed to wedge herself between Jake and the couch, being sure to get a good cushion of blanket underneath her. She stayed and snuggled with him all night, taking little catnaps before waking up and looking at him to make sure he was still there.
Today we bought her a new toy and some rawhide chewbones. She chewed on the rawhide for about 5 minutes before looking for a place to 'bury' it. We put that grey blanket back on the floor and she rolled it around in her paws for a minute or so, found the perfect spot to drop the bone, and then pushed the blanket over it with her nose. She walked all around the blanket to make sure none of the bone was exposed and that no one could find it, then lay down on the carpet facing it and took a little nap. We caught her opening her eyes and staring at the blanket just to make sure it was undisturbed.

Olive also buried the bone in this chair today, in one of the corners. She spent a long time poking at it with her nose to make sure it was far enough down in the cushion that no other dogs (or people) would find it.
This picture is from Weds night when we had a doggie play date. Trooper (the taller dog in the back) got up on the chair looking for a soft spot to lie down and Olive got up there right behind her!

And finally, this is me at 30 weeks. I'm fresh out of the shower (check out the still dripping hair and fogged glasses!). I have no belly button. Baby has officially taken over my ribcage and my intestines and it's favorite activity is stretching to their full length while I'm sitting quietly in a seminar or lab meeting to completely squash my insides.
I can't believe that there are only 10 weeks (+/- a couple) to go! We're going to be meeting this baby before we know it! I'm so stinking excited. I mean, I'm not excited for labor or the sleeplessness or the endless diaper changes and baby spit up, but that will be a small price to pay when I get to play with little baby and have them sleep on me and be able to touch them (on the outside) and look at their tiny toes and little fingers! It makes me giddy to think about this baby growing up. Too soon, I'm sure they'll be rolling over, then crawling and walking, then talking in little toddler sentences. Before I know it, they'll be off to kindergarten, then high school, then moving out completely! I'm treasuring this time that we have right now, when we're sharing my body. I like to think that I'm taking care of them the best I possibly can right now. I'll try my best once they're outside, but for right now they are perfectly cared for, warm and fed, rocked and lulled by my heartbeat. What more could any baby ask for?

baby blabber, happy, trip, my girls, sick, pregnancy, deep thoughts, family, weather, school, olive, jake

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