
Oct 17, 2008 16:28

In the last 30 minutes at work I should probably be thinking work thoughts, getting my experiments planned for next week.  Nope.

I've been surfing the internet for the past hour or so, just unable to concentrate on anything work related.  Call it the Friday meltdown.  I did manage to send a couple important emails and did write a seminar outline, so there was some progress in between checking LJ and the news.

I haven't really been feeling like myself lately, with no real explanation as to why.  Just weird.

My parents are planning on making the trip out for T-giving, which is exciting, so long as Dad can stand the car ride.  I spoke with Karen on Weds and mentioned the reservations I had (about not wanting Dad to force himself into doing this and hurting himself because the car will be rather full).  She spoke right up "No way!  Dave and I will sit in the way back, then Dad can have the middle seat to stretch out in, and Nana and Mom can sit up front and drive".  Makes me happy to have a sister that can figure things out so easily.  
I'm pretty excited for them to come out for the holiday.  It's one of the few family-oriented holidays that Jake and I have put our food (feet?) down and made them at our own house.  We will never have a Christmas or New Year's at our home, it just is inconceivable.  So T-giving and Easter will be the holidays that we have to ourselves or that the family travels to us.  
Jake's parents are likely not coming.  Apparently, Matt told them recently that he was heading to NY for T-giving, bringing his g/f Chastity, Chastity's daughter Alexis, and Matt's daughter Lexi (also named Alexis, which makes things confusing) and Morgan.  So they're going to all be in NY and we won't have 9 people to feed for T-giving.

In other Jake family news, his grandmother went into the assisted living facility yesterday.  She's 90+ (92? 93?) and had been living on her own, except for weekends when her 50-year old Down's syndrome daughter would come to stay.  Gramma Barb has been declining rather rapidly over the past year, forgetting things and people and conversations.  She was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's in the past month, which may have helped her get a space in the nursing home.  It's attached to the hospital I worked in the summer before getting married and is a pretty nice place.  
Apparently, the move didn't go so well.  Jake has asked me not to share specifics because it's a delicate time for his family and Gramma Barb and her children are all taking it hard.  Jake was pretty shaken up last night, too.  I tried to console and reassure him, but apparently my 'not-being-myself' thing was coming through a bit strong and he told me I was basically acting like a big bitch.  I don't understand.

I'm going to try to take things in stride today and this weekend.  We're meeting up with Amanda Sweet on Saturday (maybe?  I don't have details-- Amanda if you read this CALL ME!) and I should try to bring the camera.  I've picked it up maybe once or twice in the past month--last weekend we went to a cider mill to get donuts and fresh cider so I took it there but haven't pulled the photos off.  Again, another instance of the 'me-not-being-myself-thing'.

3 weeks until my seminar.  Maybe stress is what's underlying this whole problem.  Going to work on figuring it out this weekend.

deep thoughts, dad, my girls, weird, family, school, jake

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