Happy Fall!

Oct 04, 2008 09:39

It seems as though someone has flipped a switch, taking us from 'Summer' to 'Fall' very quickly.  This morning there is frost on the grass.  I'm glad that we moved our plants in last weekend, using their soil for the garden and transferring the sage to an inside herb.  The rest of our patio garden, sadly, wasn't looking too good.  At least the stalks and foliage made a good start for a compost corner inside our garden box.  We should start adding our coffee grounds and veggie scraps to help move that along.  At the very least, we'll be making less trash every week!

It's going to be a very busy 6-8 weeks for me from here on out.  Here's the schedule:
Oct 6: Mosberg lab meeting to finalize our lab poster for the Medicinal Chemistry open house
Oct 9: I give an hour-long seminar to the other UMSARC trainees.  I've made the powerpoint, now I have to start practicing my speech.
Oct 13: I present at Mosberg lab meeting, giving an overview of my entire project.  I still haven't started that presentation.  
Nov 9: My 3rd year Pharmacology seminar.  I was really stressed out about it, so I talked with John yesterday about how I don't have ANY new data to present.  Nothing.  So we talked about the direction my project is going in and it seems to be taking a turn more toward the structural analysis and more theoretical now... I'm a little nervous about that but we'll see how it works out.  Now I'm a little less stressed about the content of my seminar but I'm getting more worried about how I'm going to set up the presentation.
Nov 11: I have my first thesis committee meeting, where I talk about everything I've done so far and how it relates to my project, list my possible future directions and then have 4 highly esteemed professors tell me what THEY think I should do.

After Nov 11, I have to just do lab work and attend the class I'm TA-ing until the end of the semester.  So I'm looking forward for Nov 12!  It's going to be a busy few weeks.

garden, school

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