(no subject)

Oct 26, 2007 14:38

I'm so bad at updating, seriously.

It's just kinda hard when you leave before the sun rises in the morning to take your life into other people's hands while driving into work (the car in front of me rear-ended someone yesterday and I was almost a part of that accident), then you work your ASS off every day and head home to eat quickly, play with the dog, maybe watch some TV and then pass out like it's nobody's business.

I think the decrease in amount of sunlight every day is really affecting me.  I don't have as much energy as I did in the summer, when I'd be able to come home after work and still find time to exercise and cook and take long walks with Olive.  Now we're relying on the slow cooker (lifesaver!) for at least one meal a week just because it's DONE when we get home and we don't have to worry about anything.

Jake is going to start being home less and less now that he's gotten his band program up and running (well, not quite yet) and he's going to start giving piano lessons next week.  It's great because he's charging $20 per lesson and if he gets 5 per week, well that's another $400 a month that will completely cover our car expenses and some groceries too.  But I really miss seeing him.  I really miss spending quality time with him.  We used to take Olive on 1.5 mile walks every single night and we'd spend that time just talking and dreaming about our future and it was really good for our relationship.  Now I feel as though we're two separate half-asleep individuals that just happen to bump into each other during mealtimes and sleeping.  It's hard.  I miss feeling so close to him.  I feel that I don't know what's going on in his life from day to day, what he's thinking of, what he's planning for the house or for us or for Olive.

Speaking of Olive, she's been a REALLY BAD GIRL lately.  On Tuesday (I think) Jake came home before me to find Olive tied up with someone else's leash and a note on the front door saying she'd been rescued by neighbors down the road.  Apparently, she'd been almost run over by the school bus when the neighbors caught her and took her to their house until they could find a way to retie her up.  So we've converted her into a house doggy.  She's in our basement (mold and carpet-free) all day until we get home, so there's always some little accident to clean up.  Beyond that, however, she's decided that she doesn't really like to play with her toys when we're not at home, so instead she turns into a little destructo monster and in 2 days has completely shredded her dog bed (which she LOVED to sleep on, btw) and then started on the remains of the carpet that were under the pool table.  I wish that I could enforce to her that IT'S NOT OKAY to be doing these sort of things, but since she does them when we're not around, I can't retroactively punish her.  Grrr.  She makes me unhappy sometimes.

Dad is doing really well.  They've started wrapping his nasty muscle graft with an Ace bandage for as long as he can stand the compression, and it's really working on the swelling.  He says the softball-sized lump that's visible from behind is nearly gone now.  He's doing so well so quickly-- he makes me really proud. 
I had a minor breakdown the week after I came back from visiting, I'd just updated LJ with all the pictures and was looking back through entries and reading about his accident and I just bawled.  He really shouldn't be here.  He really should have died in that accident, or could have died during any of the initial emergency surgeries that he went through.  That and his progress has just been so amazing and happened so quickly, it just makes me very weepy.  So I went to tell Jake this, because I kinda needed a hug, and he immediately got Dad on the phone and put me on in my sobbing self and I made my Dad cry just telling him how much I loved him and how proud I was of him. 
It's really hard for us to do that, we're normally very private people with our emotions, always going into another room or something, or just not letting really strong emotions show.  I felt really bad about crying on the phone with him, because I shouldn't be making him cry, but at the same time I'm glad that he knows how proud I am of him and how amazed I am with his progress and how lucky I feel.

So that's all, for now.  There's more to write about school and about how Jake and I are going to our 1st game in the Big House tomorrow (watch the Michigan vs Minnesota game at 3:30!  Maybe they'll show the student section and you can see us!) and then going to the Traynor Halloween party afterward.  It's going to be a fun day and I think it's also a DITL, so maybe I'll have to do one (it's only been a few months!)

dad, school, olive

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