Alice Springs lipstick

Dec 17, 2012 11:09

Happy holidays everyone! I've had a lot of simming projects yelling at me to be competed and shared. Finally, here is one of them!

These lips are titled AliceSprings merely because of the ever-so-slightly chapped quality to them. I was desparate for lipsticks that didn't look so glossy, and by making a default replacement as well, I ended up killing two birds with one project :)

The textures are a blend of Skellington7d's Au Naturel lip overlay in 'CuriousB/Ingus', and a slightly tweaked alpha from RoseSims2. (Much love to all of you!)

Comes in all the base game colours, including sioux, which won't show up as a default replacement unless you get the unhider from ModTheSims, made by the lovely CatOfEvilGenius:

HintOfRed is the only one that is transparent, all others are opaque. Works on all the skintones I tried it on (i.e. no lightness bleeding from foggy alphas). All compressorised, tooltipped, custom icons, ready for you to install!

Custom content download link:
Default Replacement download link:

Merry Christmas everyone!

sims 2, default replacement, puremorphin, makeup, lipstick, download

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