Partially this is a jumping meme, partially this is just a kick me post, which I'll henceforth sticky to the top of my journal. I know I can be a flake when threading! It's because RL tops me harder than I usually expect it will (clean
ALL the things, job, etc., you know, fun stuff). So if I ever drop something and you want to pick it up, please please let me know and I will. Just leave a comment here! I love playing with you guys and I'd like to do it more.
I also wanna develop new and old relationships, so, meme time:
Suzaku is outwardly pretty friendly and can get along with all sorts of people, although if you poke around underneath there's lots of emo there. He doesn't let you see that unless you've known him for a while. He has a strong sense of justice and will stick up for what is right, is very impulsive and likes physical stuff, like fighting and piloting.
Sookie is a tough southern broad who knows what she wants and won't stop at anything to take care of the people she loves. When she's not being self-centered, she can be very kind hearted and understanding, although she won't take any of your crap. She is super friendly, she delights in new experiences, and tends to get into trouble. She has a particular affinity for the supernatural. Also, a telepath.