
Apr 26, 2005 00:21

Well, I'm back from my father's house... sorry, I would have posted it in my journal, but for some reason, it wouldn't post.

Well anyways, I did have a pretty good time, except for a few annoying things. My dad has some really annoying friends, I swear to god...
First, let me mention a friend of his named Gary, whom I have to deal with everytime I visit, on the account of him ALWAYS BEING THERE. Okay, Gary, as you must know, is an ass. I'm not sure why my father puts up with him. Second off, my father smokes pot. Yes, he smokes pot.
When I was there this time, I overheard one of their conversations, when I was lying down, supposidly sleeping. My dad's like: "Maybe I should stop smoking pot... it's too expensive, and it's really bad for my health..." and then, Gary's all like: "Oh come on Ray, you can't stop now! You're only going to start smoking pot again! Don't even bother!" Basically, it seems as if Gary enjoys fucking up my dad's life. My dad wanted to quit gambling, but Gary said the same thing. Why would any of that matter, you ask? Well, my father's the type that can be easily convinced to do something. My father, not too long ago, won $5000 at a slot machine. This is when he was going to quit gambling forever. A day or so later, Gary convinced him to start gambling, and guess what? He blew most of it in one night. I wish him death.

Now then, there's Tony, Gary's brother. This guy is a full-blown alcoholic, and never stops bothering my dad. He's always there, getting on his nerves. You see, Tony is always fighting with his wife, so he decided to stay at my father's house for a couple of days. My father, being the nice guy he is, let him stay. The next day, his wife kept driving to our house, knocking on the door and yelling out for Tony. At that time, Gary, and my Aunt June(who hates Tony's wife) were all at my dad's house. My aunt June kept screaming at her out the window, calling her a "bitch" and a "whore" and so on. Gary kept making threats to her like: "Oh, you'll get yours." and "I swear I'm going to kill you!" Tony did nothing about it. He sat on the couch beside me like a tree stump.
Yet again, Tony's wife came back, but this time, she had her 3 year old daughter with her. You know, to play the old guilt trip on Tony. Of course, it didn't work. She did end up coming up stairs to our apartment though. (I said "House" earlier, but I really mean apartment. My father lives in an apartment.) This is where it really got out of hand. Gary, being the douchebag he is, slapped Tony's wife, and spit beer on both Tony's wife and the 2 year old daughter. I didn't approve too much of that, but I wasn't going to get involved.
My dad wanted everyone to stop, but he couldn't stop them from arguing. Eventually, the police came, and broke everything up, and took Gary to the police station, because later on I heard that Gary had punched her to the ground, when I left the house to go visit my cousin. My dad then left for work, very stressed. He told me that my mom was picking me up, and we were going to go back to GrandePrairie when she does. The thing my father DIDN'T tell me, is that Tony was still in his apartment. He gave Tony fake keys, to make him think he had access to the apartment, and didn't even tell me this. I was left with the task of kicking him out somehow. This is how I kicked him out:
I got my little brother to go up stairs to my cousins apartment(he lives right above my dad,) and to pick up the phone, to pretend that my dad was on the phone. I opened the door, told Tony that my dad wanted to speak to him up stairs, so he went. I quickly locked the door and shut it on him, and when he came back, he tried the keys, and realized they were fake. None of the keys he had opened the door. Of course, he suspected something, but never really understood. He walked home in his socks.(His stuff was still inside)
Of course, when he left, I went in to the house, took out all of his stuff, and gave it to Marlin, a friend of my father's, who lives below him. I also gave her the real key to the apartment. Tony will definitely come back, so the excuse I made was: The landlord was called, and he didn't want anybody else in the apartment, so he let us take out Tony's stuff, and he locked the door.
I'm not sure if he's going to buy it, but I definitely hope he does. I still can't believe he stuck me with such a task though... I didn't want to get rid of him. I feel kind of guilty for tricking him like that, and I shouldn't feel guilty, because technically, it was my fathers fault for leaving me with the task of kicking him out.

And that's pretty much it. Nice weekend, huh? Not. I did have a little fun, though...
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