Annoyance at a maximum...

Apr 13, 2005 00:42

Today was great. I finally finished downloading every episode of Full Metal Alchemist, and I am now on episode 26. I never expected the download to finish so fast, though... I'm extremely happy with the results. Full Metal Alchemist is such a great series... it's suspenseful, yet dark... and has some really sad parts in it. >.>; I reccomend this anime... to... well, any anime fan. Most will NOT be disapointed. It's extremely unique, in every aspect...

Well, the fun aside, today somewhat sucked, for a very simple reason.

Okay. So after school today, Aaron(yes, the person I HATE WITH A BURNING PASSION, offered my little brother a ride home with a cab. Of course, I couldn't get my stupid brother to walk, so I had to tag along with him. Aaron dropped Jason off at home, and dragged me to a hobby store he felt like visiting before I went home. Now, normally, I wouldn't of had too much of a problem with this, but he spent TWO FREAKIN' HOURS buying model pieces and paint for these model pieces. Why on earth did he have to bring me with him?! It was a complete waste of my time. I didn't even get anything out of it, and I HATE AARON. I waited for him, because I was flat broke, and I needed to tag along with him to get home, because this hobby shop was... well, extremely far way. It would take me hours to walk. I wasn't going to piss him off or anything at that moment, so I waited. Of course, that didn't help me very much...

Next time, I won't be taking a cab drive with someone I hate, because my fat little brother is too lazy to walk home from school. It's bad enough he can't walk home himself... -_-;

Right now, I'm extremely tired, so I'll cut it off here.
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