
Apr 04, 2005 17:56

Luckily, when I went to school today, my stupid math teacher didn't really care that I didn't complete my over-spring mathbook. When she assigned those who failed the test the math booklet, she made it clear that whoever didn't do it would be in major trouble.

That's some bullshit she was feeding us.

Truth be told, my math teacher isn't too bad. I don't know why, but she lets us talk a lot in class, and basically, we get away with almost everything. It's as if she sucks at teaching and dealing with kids, too.
For example: A kid named Branden in my class spit his gum on the floor. She told him to pick it up. He refused, and she picked it up herself, and continued teaching.
Another kid in my class, Leland, went on her computer, downloaded a pornographic image, and set it as her background WHILE SHE WAS IN THE CLASS, and he didn't get in trouble. I found that especially hilarious. Of course, these kids are so retarded... honestly, what's the point in doing these disrespectful things? Even if I did find it somewhat funny, I still think that it was extremely wrong. =/

Well, other than that, I won't be going to school tommorow. Tommorow is the "P.A.R.T.Y" program. Basically, you go to the hospital and check out a lot of crap. Like the morg, for example. Not my kind of thing, so I'm staying home.
That's great though. I'd much rather stay home and chat with my online friends, than to look at a corpse.

A kid named Aaron in my class is really starting to piss me off. Seriously. He's such a jackass. Just because I like anime, he never stops insulting me for it. Any of my other friends that likes anime, he picks on them for it too. What's wrong with anime? Am I wrong for persuing a great interest of mine? Well, fuck him. He also thinks I'm his friend. What a joke. I've told him COUNTLESS times that I hate his rotten guts, and I've told him multiple times to screw off, but he just won't. Truth is, NOBODY likes him. I'm not joking. He's an ass to everyone. He thinks too highly of himself. You say something wrong, he'll correct you, and he'll make sure to offend you. For example: I'm talking about computers, and I pronounce something wrong. Guess what? He just HAS to interrupt my conversation with someone, to say: "You know, you mispronounced "insert word here," you computer illiterate moron." What the fuck. I DIDN'T EVEN TALK TO HIM. I even told him to fuck off.
The worst part is me not being able to get rid of him. He won't go away, no matter what I do. *Sigh* I'll have to kick his ass one of these days. He's always touching people, too. I find that creepy. I hope he moves FAR, FAR away.

Well, besides that, I'm pretty good. And now I've run out of things to say. Peace~
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